IT'S HARD NOT TO SMILE when watching Batman after Svengoolie on Saturday nights, as I get ready for Touche. The show is just awful, in the best possible way. The sets are cheap, the colors garish, and Adam West is so tall & lanky, his costume resembles a skeleton with skin. The bad Robin lines - "Holy Dental-Hygiene," Batman!" - are hysterical, and the show gets even funnier when viewed on a High Definition Television. The sets are clearly made of plywood, and HDTV shows every seam, blemish, nail hole bump, and streak in the set's fast spaintjob - as the same lumber is recycled over & over, when filming the weekly series. I knew that Caesar Romero's moustache was covered in makeup of course, but I never realized that Burgess Meredith smoked *actual* cigarettes when playing his character. I stopped buffing my boots and squinted at the TV when I noticed The Penguin's cigarette was dropping ashes onto a velvet chair's flammable upholstery, while he spoke. Chuckling - I couldn't help but think: The paint on that set is so fresh, I can still smell the polyurethane. Were there *any* Fire Safety laws on the books in 1967? I mean between the latex costumes, the wooden sets, the snakes & coils of electrical cables everywhere, the age of the studio itself, the drug use of the era, and the fact that everyone smoked in the sixties, it's a miracle these guys didn't die in a fire! I imagined what the show might look like today, in the era of CGI. It definitely wouldn't be as fun of course, but it would be interesting to see a green screen's interpretation of the Bat Cave. It would probably look like Joe Biden's "Oval Office set", when he pretends to make *a White House address* - with out-of-season flowers blooming in the background window.

Speaking of Oval Office sets, the White House staff barely time to roll out its own as Iran rained missiles & drones on Tel Aviv - after Biden told them: "DON'T." You know it was bad because Biden skipped his Delaware weekend, but now, a few weeks later, it feels like the Israeli war to defend itself barely makes the newscycle. I mean, can you just *imagine* what would happen if Mexico suddenly/unexpectedly attacked the USA - and what *our* response might be? With Biden's dementia? With the Open Border? With the CARTELS? With the countless terrorist cells already in the country? I shudder to think of the Order of Succession, as Kamala is next, with Pelosi sharpening her fingernails behind. And while this is happening, our most competent leader of the past twenty years is being forced to *sit* for six-to-eight-weeks as the Prosecution paints Stormy Daniels like a Victim as credible as Christine Blasey Ford. The elder-abuse towards 77-yr-old Donald alone is staggering. The even *worse* elder-abuse is happening in the White House now, as the staff moves the President from room to room, like Weekend at Bernie's. I hate cliches, but Trump has the right to speak in all caps: IT'S A GODDAMN WITCH HUNT. Our entire legal system is being used to destroy a former US President, yet no one seems to give a damn - or can sense how dangerous this precedent is setting. Between the court system, the Liberal's coordinated media assault, and the steady anti-Trump venom from Democrats everywhere, what's happening with the upcoming election literally gives me h i v e s. Destroying a private citizen is bad enough, but destroying a former President is flat-out reprehensible when you consider the state of the world right now. A President needs his immunity; it's the only he can do his job. (Or "She" - if that President is Ann Coulter). We're so preoccupied with Political Correctness, no one can hear the saber rattling of Russia, China, and more recently, Palestine & Iran. To me, the world seems like it's on fire. And there's clearly a global chess game being played, with China attacking Taiwan at the same time Russia moves into Ukraine - and later, Poland. To quote my 3/22 blog: "It's like a Chess game where a bad player (who barely understands basic strategy) is pitted against a *gifted* player (who thinks 30 moves ahead) - with the future of the world being determined by the winner." And as Biden is a far-better pickleball player than Chess Master, you know who's winning this global match. I don't buy for an instant that Iran "attacked" Israel a few weeks ago; I think they were testing the Jewish nation's defenses - predominantly with drones, and a few *real* rockets sprinkled in for effect. The Iranian's attack forced Israel to "show its hand," so to speak - to demonstrate the efficiency/accuracy of systems like the Iron Dome. Iran attacked, Israel responded - and the Militant Islamic world observes Israel's defense strategy. And now that the terrorists know the limits of Israel's systems (and Biden's tepid support), they'll change their approach for when the real attack happens - in conjunction, I'm guessing, with Jinping/Putin - both tapping ashes onto their own upholsteries - launching incursions into Taiwan & Kiev.
Liberals just don't realize how important our relationship with Israel really is...
Liberals just don't realize how important our relationship with Israel really is...

WE ALL LIVE IN A MELLOW APATHY was one my favorite Paul Shanklin parodies, back when Rush was on the air. The song was a rip-off of the Beatles' "Yellow Submarine," and Limbaugh played it frequently, in the decades before his death. The song is particularly chilling these days, as American Power is being threatened from within by thirty-plus years of Liberal social policies - and the apathy that has ensued. I discussed this in my 3/22 post, with bullet-points of all the growing dangers within our world - as our country's youth can barely get off the couch to retrieve their Door Dash order. Americans have grown lazy. We're all but oblivious to the dangers overseas, and to the open border that has let those dangers in. I often smile (sadly) when Dane watches the news with me. Dane is wickedly intelligent; we frequently have deep discussions on matters while doing mundane chores like washing dishes & folding laundry. I actually don't know how Dane will vote in November; he says he's not a Republican, but he has many conservative qualities. Specifically, Dane has genuine *compassion* for his fellow humankind, an empathy I almost never see from Liberals. Dane comes from a much poorer background then me, and he's used to living within Democratic social policies - including the LINK card we need for groceries. Since completing When People Go Away, Dane has showed me how to juggle bills, take advantage of utilities' payment plans, how to defer my credit card payments, and, later today, how to negotiate with my lender in regards to my mortgage payments (and it unsettles me to see how skilled he is in doing that). I just turned 55 a few weeks back, and for the first time in my life, I'm struggling to pay the bills. It saddens me that I'm in this position, but it hurts me even more to know that Dane has lived like this for much of his life so far. In a way, he's living in a "mellow apathy" - yet he doesn't seem to realize it. I can't blame him, though. It did, after all, take me fifty-three years before realizing I was living in my own.

SPEAKING OF MELLOW APATHIES, I see Joe's really picked the pace in his public appearances to take advantage of Trump's weekly - ahem - "bondage." (Kidding.) With Donald tied down in court - and gagged like Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction - you'd think that our current sitting President might *use the situation to his advantage*, and hit the ground running (or, at least, go as fast as his no-slip loafers will allow) on the campaign trail, you know? I mean, we know that his schedule is clear - and that Air Force One still has the bedroom that Nancy Reagan decorated, so Joe can nap during flight, right? Just squeegee the Bath Salts Hunter left on the Oval Office desk, and use them in Biden's actual bath! I've made it clear that Chuck Schumer looks like Mr. Burns (it's in my X feed somewhere), but whenever I think of Joe Biden these days, I'm reminded of Smithers having to move Mr. Burns' appendages because he was too old to do it himself. I've seen a few Biden videos these past two weeks, but nothing more than the usual gaffes. Watching Secret Service *gently* move him like a nursing home patient grows more unsettling by the day, and I can only imagine what other World Leaders must be thinking - playing their chess games, salivating. The man is a cadaver on puppet strings. And I dare say that at this point, Kamala might have better cognitive abilities than him. So, *who's* running the country, you ask? My, how sharp Nancy Pelosi's comments/demeanor have become lately. I couldn't help but notice that during one of Schumer's press conferences, his always-perfect tie was "crooked" - as though he'd just changed his mind on hanging himself, and frantically threw himself together while staff pounded on his door. Yes - I jest, but only to a point: Biden is being played by World Leaders. He does need to be "shuffled" from room to room, place to place - and at this point, it's become an issue. His cognitive decline is visible in every single video - and these are just the ones the White House lets us see! Joe just oozes "feebleness." He looks like he'd need to use two fingers to push the nuclear button. And though he's surrounded by a staff who protects him in a Safe Space, there are those in his party who know the severity - and national danger - of this issue who aren't so scripted, when in front of a camera. At least with Kennedy entering the race, most of the cameras will be focused on him.
(Storm Clouds Rumbling...🌩️🌩️🌩️)
(Storm Clouds Rumbling...🌩️🌩️🌩️)

GOING BACK TO BATMAN, Donald Trump - my current favorite Superhero - was forced to skip the week's campaigning because of his court appearance. I'm so angry with this, I don't even know what to say. As mentioned above, the man is seventy-seven years old, and he's put on a little weight since leaving office. I'm sure he has excellent personal physicians, but still - is the Judge's requirement of a man Donald's years sitting still like a dog healthy for a man his age/physical condition? Having been trapped in my own head for 45 years, I know what it's like to feel like I'm in a cell in a room full of people ... so, I know what's going through Mr. Trump's head right now, as he sits and growls. I mention Batman because of how it's sets were slapped together - and the way the courtroom scenes' juries were filled with the series' recognizable villains. Donald's current situation looks just as thrown together, with every set piece chosen for dinginess - the long 1970s tables in particular, coupled with burgundy office chairs, like the undestructable upholstery of a 77' LTD. The movement of the court proceedings is as slow when OJ was on trial, and Judge Juan Merchan clearly has a vendetta for Donald, and is taking his revenge by putting restrictions on Trump. Again, the entire justice system is being weaponized to destroy a single United States citizen, and it's frightening to observe how Americans just can't see that. I'm obviously a Fox News viewer, but I have flipped the channels to experience Donald's prosecution from a Liberal point of view. It's absolutely disgusting, the very definition of a "Kangaroo Court" and a coordinated television attack that the Liberal news doesn't even try and hide anymore. It sickens me to see how most Democrats have no problem with this - and seem cognitively unable to comprehend how dangerous it is to use the United States Justice System to attack - and ruin - a single American citizen. I mention this in almost every blog I write: "It's abhorrent to see that those Liberals who preach Tolerance are often the most intolerant people of all." Sure, it feels good when YOUR guy's in power, but history has proven that the pendulum will swing back, and five, ten, fifteen years out - the tables will change and the Democrats will find themselves no only sitting in the catbird's seat, but tightly strapped to their chair like Donald is in his own. But I have no doubt that Trump will prevail, and emerge from his courtroom drama like Martha Stewart - who is now all over television, claiming to be a "dirt nerd." Chuckling. I love Melania dearly, but deep down inside I've always wished that Trump would take up with Martha; she can bring him homemade cannabis brownies into the courthouse, like the kind Snoop Dogg used to bake for her, in between takes of their Potluck Party show.

WE HAVE ENTERED A TURNING POINT IN HUMAN HISTORY, and the 2024 election is at its epicenter. Forty-plus years of Liberal Idiocy have left our nation in a peril, and if we don't fix it fast, we'll fall into the Mellow Apathy of Socialism. Both of my blogs - Sir Dave's Blog & Dave's Blog Archives - are filled with observations from the past eleven years, especially stories of our nation's slow decline. In particular, I discuss our potentials - both as human beings, and as American citizens. I talk about faith, the importance of the family unit, and how crucial it is to have a strong Father Figure - i.e. a Strong Republican President in office. Democrats have not only steered this country off the highway, we're driving down an inner-city road filled with potholes, protesters, and bridges so old they collapse with a shipping container's *bump*. Our country is literally falling apart around us, yet so long as the Amazon & GrubHub packages arrive on time, we barely set down our Playstation controller and look at what's happening outside. We've grown soft. Unmotivated. Easily-offended. Thanks to Covid, we've gotten even lazier - and its seems that every grocer, retailer, drugstore and neighborhood restaurant now delivers goods to our front doors - right next to all the Amazon packages. (We don't even need to unpack our orders quickly, as the ice cream was delivered in an insulated bag, so it will keep long enough for us to finish our current Assassin's Creed level.) We are literally becoming the *guests* of Wall-E's "Buy N Large" starliner, so fat we can barely reach the recliner's handle to raise our feet. We're surrounded by devices - televisions, smartphones, computers, & iWatches - that "feed" us all the things we need to worry about within our sedentary lives. It's never even dawned on us that our soft & comfy existence might be taken away if we don't get off our asses and TAKE CHARGE of our destinies - like the Republicans are pleading for us to do:
We have entered The Age of Aquarius, the dawn of Quantum Computing & Space Travel, but Americans are approaching this era as "consumers," not "explorers" - and that is a very dangerous place to be.
We have entered The Age of Aquarius, the dawn of Quantum Computing & Space Travel, but Americans are approaching this era as "consumers," not "explorers" - and that is a very dangerous place to be.

We can't "work from home" when it comes to the hands-on dirty-work that's needed to design better rockets, stronger space stations, and off-earth "habitats" that will allow exploration of the solar system. And we need a strong LEADER to usher humanity into the harshness of space, as it's our species' *destiny* to explore the heavens for the next 1000 years. Sure, I think we realize that in order for humanity to survive, we need to strive to leave the planet in mass, within the next thirty years. China's already ahead of us in this regard, and Russia will be ready soon - once Putin leaves office, and the country decides on conquering *space,* rather than retaking old Soviet Republics. Space is a jungle. Only the strong survive, especially at first. Sadly, because of Political Correctness, we have a "Star Trek" view of the universe, with big, clean spaceships, comfy staterooms, and Neelix cooking us fresh food in the canteen. As I wrote in "The Grossness of Space" (The final piece in Dave's Blog Archive), space travel right now is disgusting, with a camping-like environment, cold sweat & spittle floating in the air, and prison-like arrangements for when it's time to take a shower. As Mad Magazine used to say, "Yecccccch!"

I OFTEN WONDER how other species must see us, when they observe our behavior from the heavens. To them, I'll bet we look like a Batman episode - with city-sized sets, over-the-top costumed villains, and a bunch of children running around the playground, shouting names at each other. But the kids they see are getting too old for schoolyard bullies, and it's time for them to graduate from Middle to High School. We must take the lessons that we've all learned from the past, and apply them to our futures as humanity finally looks UP towards the wonder of the stars. Our next few generations will be challenging. Our space technology is in its infancy, and many people will be lost as we learn to survive the Heavens. This is the time when we take what we've learned about the Universe and look towards this knowledge through the wonder of Quantum Computing. Like a child who shed his training wheels to ride a bike, humanity is ready to trade in its bicycle for the upcoming generations of interdimensional vehicles - rockets, then starliners to open the galaxy's doors. This is such an exciting time to be alive, yet so few seem to realize it.
Going back to Chess, our species needs to start thinking 30 moves ahead, to achieve our Manifest Destiny. When we finally leave the planet, it must be done as a "whole" species - not just Representatives of the powers that be. We can't depart the earth with a warring Middle East, with Superpowers fighting for dominance, or by just sweeping away the voices of "lesser" nations. And I guess that's what this blog is really about: lesser leaders create lesser countries. The United States is a beacon of strength, and if Trump isn't returned to office in November, we're screwed. We have to start thinking hundreds of years into our future, when humanity is united - and free from political bickering.
And for that Donald Trump is a lot like Batman, only with a dark suit & red tie - answering the Bat Signal.
I for one cannot wait for this trial to be over, so Trump can finally speak without a gag-order, as we finally end this Dark & Stormy night...🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
- Sir Dave
Going back to Chess, our species needs to start thinking 30 moves ahead, to achieve our Manifest Destiny. When we finally leave the planet, it must be done as a "whole" species - not just Representatives of the powers that be. We can't depart the earth with a warring Middle East, with Superpowers fighting for dominance, or by just sweeping away the voices of "lesser" nations. And I guess that's what this blog is really about: lesser leaders create lesser countries. The United States is a beacon of strength, and if Trump isn't returned to office in November, we're screwed. We have to start thinking hundreds of years into our future, when humanity is united - and free from political bickering.
And for that Donald Trump is a lot like Batman, only with a dark suit & red tie - answering the Bat Signal.
I for one cannot wait for this trial to be over, so Trump can finally speak without a gag-order, as we finally end this Dark & Stormy night...🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
- Sir Dave