THE GOLDEN RAYS OF EIB LIGHT poured in into my bedroom windows briefly, breaking through the overcast sky on a cloudy Easter weekend. I had just been thinking about Rush, actually. Specifically, I was thinking of a song parody that a listener had submitted in the early 1990s. Ross Perot had just joined the campaign, and was unknowingly about to solidify the era of modern Liberalism by giving Clinton the election. The song was the first time I'd ever heard someone's voice "sampled" from a computer; a clever listener had gathered HOURS of Limbaugh's show, and had taken Rush's voice - and his dead-on impression of Ross - and cobbled together a brilliant little tune, that rivaled Limbaugh's early Paul Shanklin parodies: 🎶"...To various members of the press, I really do not know...🎶...But today, I can say, see I told you so...🎶...Shine the light of truth on America...🎶...Why don't you shine the light of truth, on this land of yours and mine..."🎶 The song was hysterical. The listener had even arranged the pitch of Rush's words in a manner that created a "melody." I actually used the piece in When People Go Away, and as I couldn't find it on the Internet, I had to quote it from memory. I also remember Limbaugh's funny Perot commercial: "Ross Perogies! They don't taste like much, but isn't the packaging wonderful?" The early-nineties was the *wild frontier* on Rush's show, and his listeners were often as creative as the host, himself.
The reason I remembered Ross Perot was because of last week's news that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has entered the Presidential campaign. The first thing I thought: "IT'S A MIRACLE! THE DEMOCRATS HAVE LEARNED NOTHING FROM 1992!" Kennedy's candidacy all but guarantees Biden a defeat thank God, as Perot fractured both Democrat & Republican voters by giving them a different *option* - like Ranch or Thousand Island Dressing. But, the Liberals can't seem to recall "history," or the damage Ross did to both Clinton's & Bush's campaigns. (Remember when Perot briefly left the election trail because someone threatened his daughter's wedding?) I imagine the White House is in a *panic* right now, as Trump has proven Biden's incompetence (See my last few posts), and Liberals now have TWO PEOPLE to destroy, to distract from our nation's flaming, corkscrew-nosedive under the current administration. Chuckling. The only way this could get any better is if The Second Coming appeared in a Leather Bar and formally endorsed The Donald.
The reason I remembered Ross Perot was because of last week's news that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has entered the Presidential campaign. The first thing I thought: "IT'S A MIRACLE! THE DEMOCRATS HAVE LEARNED NOTHING FROM 1992!" Kennedy's candidacy all but guarantees Biden a defeat thank God, as Perot fractured both Democrat & Republican voters by giving them a different *option* - like Ranch or Thousand Island Dressing. But, the Liberals can't seem to recall "history," or the damage Ross did to both Clinton's & Bush's campaigns. (Remember when Perot briefly left the election trail because someone threatened his daughter's wedding?) I imagine the White House is in a *panic* right now, as Trump has proven Biden's incompetence (See my last few posts), and Liberals now have TWO PEOPLE to destroy, to distract from our nation's flaming, corkscrew-nosedive under the current administration. Chuckling. The only way this could get any better is if The Second Coming appeared in a Leather Bar and formally endorsed The Donald.

GEORGE MICHAEL'S "FAITH" bounced cheerfully from WLS last week, when I turned down my Bose so I could better hear Fox News; The Five was playing clips of MSNBC's reaction, after Ronna McDaniel was hired - and quickly fired - by their network. Their anger was predatorial. The CNN hosts *seethed* with such venom, they almost SPAT at the cameras, and I was reminded, again, of Liberal's scorching intolerance towards Conservatives. It was the same indignation I'd observed with Letitia James, Arthur Engoron, and Karine Jeane-Pierre's deceptively-evasive anger/snippiness when Mark Garrsion DARED ask her if the President had dementia before abruptly ending his phone call. After sighing in relief that the Baltimore bridge collapse didn't *appear* to be terrorism, I settled back with my chamomile tea, turned the up radio and watched Dane walk past the coffee table, carrying a basket of laundry. 🎶"...Well, I guess it would be nice...🎶...if I could touch your body...🎶...I know that everybody...🎶...Has got a body like you..."🎶. With the election season just around the corner, I began to mentally prepare myself for what will undoubtedly be the *dirtiest* coordinated Democratic attack on Republicans I've seen in my lifetime. And with the unpaid bills now visually unsettling the boy, I'm going balls-to-the-walls selling stuff on eBay/Facebook - and I'm signing up for a Temp Agency. I have a twenty in my wallet, a half a tank of gas, two packs of cigarettes (thanks, Doreen!), the cupboard is dwindling, and Dane just used the last of his LINK card on essentials. I check my email constantly for news on When People Go Away, but as agencies are afraid of anything new - and God forbid a book about Conservatism - my Hannity-like FAITH is the only thing that's keeping me going, as I try to convince someone that I really have written the First Book of the New Holy Bible - and debuted a NEW GENRE of Fiction. I mean, if these people don't know what a "New Genre" is, they aren't qualified to read a coloring book.
Speaking of unqualified, Biden was at least smart enough to stay away from NYPD's Johnathan Diller's funeral and attend a Manhattan fundraiser instead. And whhhhhhy was that smart, you ask? Can you *just imagine* what he'd have said to the widow? "I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Diller. You're husband was a very brave soldier. And I know just how you feel right now, because of my own loss of my son, Beau. His death just ripped me to shreds I tell ya', shreds. I guess we've both lost loved ones, haven't we? Why, I almost lost my entire family in a 2004 house fire - can you imagine? Luckily, Hunter thought on his feet and ran out the door before any of us - and my wife & I were able to escape because he'd already warmed up the Corvette in the driveway. LOL - he almost forgot to take us! Anyway, you have my deepest condolences. Semper Fi!"🫣 I'm excited by the election. On one of the Fox shows last week, I saw a podcast clip where a recognizable African American woman flat-out told black people that the Democrats have failed them - and that it's time to vote Republican. I'm starting to wonder if the the media's anger might actually be caused by Liberals realizing they're suddenly losing their base. No wonder Jean-Pierre got exasperated on her phone call. Between covering for Biden's mental decline, getting blindsided by R.F. Kennedy, bracing herself for Hunter's trial, playing "Baghdad Bob" on the Border Crisis, nearly shitting her pants by the terrorism/?-near-miss in Baltimore, and God knows what's happening in the world that we're not privy to - the pretty, young woman's just spinning too many plates. (She has beautiful eyes, btw.) The entire administration just oozes s h i t s t o r m, and Trump is charging towards them like a Pamplona bull. Chuckling. If I could afford popcorn, I'd actually watch CNN for a night.
Speaking of unqualified, Biden was at least smart enough to stay away from NYPD's Johnathan Diller's funeral and attend a Manhattan fundraiser instead. And whhhhhhy was that smart, you ask? Can you *just imagine* what he'd have said to the widow? "I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Diller. You're husband was a very brave soldier. And I know just how you feel right now, because of my own loss of my son, Beau. His death just ripped me to shreds I tell ya', shreds. I guess we've both lost loved ones, haven't we? Why, I almost lost my entire family in a 2004 house fire - can you imagine? Luckily, Hunter thought on his feet and ran out the door before any of us - and my wife & I were able to escape because he'd already warmed up the Corvette in the driveway. LOL - he almost forgot to take us! Anyway, you have my deepest condolences. Semper Fi!"🫣 I'm excited by the election. On one of the Fox shows last week, I saw a podcast clip where a recognizable African American woman flat-out told black people that the Democrats have failed them - and that it's time to vote Republican. I'm starting to wonder if the the media's anger might actually be caused by Liberals realizing they're suddenly losing their base. No wonder Jean-Pierre got exasperated on her phone call. Between covering for Biden's mental decline, getting blindsided by R.F. Kennedy, bracing herself for Hunter's trial, playing "Baghdad Bob" on the Border Crisis, nearly shitting her pants by the terrorism/?-near-miss in Baltimore, and God knows what's happening in the world that we're not privy to - the pretty, young woman's just spinning too many plates. (She has beautiful eyes, btw.) The entire administration just oozes s h i t s t o r m, and Trump is charging towards them like a Pamplona bull. Chuckling. If I could afford popcorn, I'd actually watch CNN for a night.

I WILL BE YOUR FATHER FIGURE rang from my Bose, as protesters descended upon Radio City Music Hall while the "Flood Manhattan for Gaza" protesters stormed President Biden's $25,000,000 fundraiser. The event, of course, featured Clinton, Obama, & Biden: Our first black President, our black President who ran on "Hope," and our black-eyed President whose big, black limo chose a local podcast over the black suits of a fallen hero's funeral. The protestors were the usual gang of idiots, the America-hating youth of today who've chosen Hamas over Netanyahu. In my last post, I pointed out that people have forgotten the lessons of history - comparing the United States to the end of the Roman Empire. Young Democratic voters haven't a clue how much Israel's fight to stay alive mirrors what's happening in our nation: Israel, the only democracy in the region, is being openly threatened by a terrorist organization in the same way the United States is being threatened by dangerous Liberal policies. The Big-Picture is obvious. Especially after the recent US-sponsored Hamas-condemnation was vetoed by the United Nations Security Council - led by China & Russia. Think about that. It ties in perfectly with my last few blogs, where I've described how Putin & Jinping are salivating with America's decline - and ready to overtake both Ukraine & Taiwan, respectfully. While the United States *burns* under Democrat social policies, Israel is actually 🔥burning🔥with Hamas' rocket fire. Liberals don't realize how important our relationship with Israel is, especially after Biden's sheepish withdrawal from Afghanistan - which has emboldened Militant Islam in the region (and left us with Israel as the main source of boots-on-the-ground intelligence in the Middle East). The way Israel is literally fighting for its very survival mirrors the way Conservatives are doing the same in the USA - and without the support of the United States, the tiny democracy will cease to exist. And if Republicans don't take back the White House, we'll be doing the same.

Like the people of Seoul live within the threat of North Korea, Israelis are forced to go about their daily lives under the constant sound of Hamas gunfire - and rockets in the skies, overhead. Israel is the lone oasis of freedom in one of the most violent places on Earth, and they've been our ally for many, many years. Like an out-of-state sibling, we support them from afar - or, at least, we're supposed to. But we can barely defend ourselves at the moment, as 30 years of Liberalism has weakened the US both socially and militarily. In a way, Israel's terrorist war is just as significant as the Conservative's war against Liberalism in the fact that losing either battle will result in the loss of a country. Rather than tepid diplomacy, The United States should be sending Israel military reinforcements - or, at the very least, given them the military equipment that Biden left behind in Kabul. But the Democrats seem to be siding with the militant Palestinians; the march on Biden's NY fundraiser was filled with young Americans who hadn't a clue what they were *really* supporting. I watched in disgust as the event unfolded on television, not just with the protestors, but also with our Commander and Chief's personal behavior. Not only did Biden "ghost" Johnathan Diller's funeral, he did the same to the Israelis themselves by not uttering a word of condemnation to the protestors - who obviously make up his voting base. Joe's lack of leadership contributed to Israel pulling its planned visit to the US - another arrow in the heart of our country's worsening relationship with one of our most important allies. People don't realize how serious this is. Our enemies are thinking: "If the The Great Satan won't support its fellow democracy, it's unlikely to stand with Taiwan & Ukraine if China & Russia launch a coordinated attack." And if Israel falls, the United States won't be far behind - as our enemies march towards Washington with impunity. Think about that. I'm being alarmist on purpose. Liberal policies are destroying our nation from within, and we're growing weaker by the day. Israel needs our help NOW, but we're so caught up with destructive Political Correctness that we can barely help ourselves - as Democrats take our freedom away incrementally. This is why Trump MUST win in November, and then hit the ground running with Executive Orders the moment he's sworn into office. Today's United States needs a President as strong as Netanyahu - a man who's not afraid to be blunt in front of cameras, and make the "draconian" decisions that will ultimately save us all. Liberals have done so...much...damage, and I genuinely believe that Donald's been delivered by God to YANK the country back on track - with the strongest Tough Love possible. Remember, "tough love" is *love* - like a family's Intervention to an addict's self-destruction. And Tough Love is exactly what's needed now, as Israel's fate is hinged on the United States...and our fate is in the hands of the man in the Oval Office.

CHRIST HAS RISEN is the message of Easter Sunday when Christians celebrate The Savior's return as we enter the 🌎Age of Aquarius🌎. Humanity is on the cusp of space travel - and finally understanding our place in the Universe. Our species is destined to achieve Time Travel in 1000 years, and to walk amongst the Gods in the stars - but we must address the state of the world before this can happen. This is such an exciting time to be alive, yet we're so preoccupied with fighting with each other, we've failed to notice that the heavens are filled with stars - and many worlds similar to our own. Once we realize that our future lies in the Heavens, we'll realize just how *petty* we've been - and how closely we came to destroying this beautiful planet. The universe is made up of too many different worlds to fathom, and though many are like our own, many others are not. And we'll never have the chance to meet other species if we can't even find peace within our own.
The Universe is teeming with life, and most species are much older than humanity. There are beings of light, vapor, rock, liquid ... beings of multi-dimension ... and beings who walk among us right now. There are so...many...others who want to reveal themselves, and extend a mentor's hand of wisdom. But the reason no one has "landed on the White House lawn" so to speak is because we've been acting childish - and we're perceived as a little dangerous.
🎶 ...Shine the light of truth on America... 🎶
We *can't* expect a more-advanced alien species to be treated fairly when we don't respect each other. What happens next is up to us, as God has given us Free Will - and the ability to make mistakes. Hopefully, humanity will make the *right* decision going forward. If we don't we are literally missing the most important moment in history. And that would be the biggest mistake of all ... ✨
🎶 "I will be your Father Figure, put your tiny hand in mine...🎶...I will be your Preacher Teacher, anything you have in mine...🎶...I have had enough of crime, I will be the one who loves you" 🎶 -
🎶 "Til' the end of TIME..." 🎶
We've got to have Faith. 💫
- Sir Dave
The Universe is teeming with life, and most species are much older than humanity. There are beings of light, vapor, rock, liquid ... beings of multi-dimension ... and beings who walk among us right now. There are so...many...others who want to reveal themselves, and extend a mentor's hand of wisdom. But the reason no one has "landed on the White House lawn" so to speak is because we've been acting childish - and we're perceived as a little dangerous.
🎶 ...Shine the light of truth on America... 🎶
We *can't* expect a more-advanced alien species to be treated fairly when we don't respect each other. What happens next is up to us, as God has given us Free Will - and the ability to make mistakes. Hopefully, humanity will make the *right* decision going forward. If we don't we are literally missing the most important moment in history. And that would be the biggest mistake of all ... ✨
🎶 "I will be your Father Figure, put your tiny hand in mine...🎶...I will be your Preacher Teacher, anything you have in mine...🎶...I have had enough of crime, I will be the one who loves you" 🎶 -
🎶 "Til' the end of TIME..." 🎶
We've got to have Faith. 💫
- Sir Dave