HAMLET 2 IS A SATIRICAL MASTERPIECE, a "Dementedly Hilarious" 2008 hidden gem on the scale of Tropic Thunder, Kingpin, and Christopher Guest mocumentaries. On the surface, the movie mocks Christianity; its "Sexy Jesus" number is as intentionally offensive as The Producer's "Springtime for Hitler." But, that's just at a first-glimpse of the film. Like When People Go Away, the movie's true intent doesn't hit you until a second viewing - after the initial LOL'ing of Steve Koogan's portrayal of a down-and-out, alcoholic, High School drama teacher who moves Heaven & Earth to bring the world his *unconventional* masterpiece. The film's real message is how a nearly-broken GenX man successfully finds a way to work with the youth of today, and bridge the gap between two generational belief systems by creating a piece of art.

It's funny to learn that Hamlet 2 came from the South Park people, the guys who gave us the equally-hysterical Book of Mormon Broadway show. I used to love South Park. In its heyday, it was deliciously-raunchy cutting-edge humor - at least until the 2016 Election, when the show made a sharp left turn into politics. Like Family Guy's brazen anti-Conservative message (which has totally ruined one of my favorite shows, btw), South Park charged forward with the assumption that Hillary would win, and turned Mr. Garrison into a Donald Trump caricature who literally shit in the woods, like a bear. The Liberal message wasn't a shock of course, though I was a little surprised that the show went balls-to-the-wall in attacking Caitlin Jenner - mocking the loss of life in her car accident. (It was obviously done because Jenner is a Republican, further proving the Democrat's double-standard by making fun of a special interest group.) What offended me most was that the show just got bad for two seasons, as Donald's election ruined their pre-planned story-arc. Like the appeals court's reversal of Letita James' unnecessarily-hefty fine, South Park found itself backed into a corner - and had to scramble to wrap-up the politics FAST, quickly moving the series to - appropriately - a 🪴*weed farm*🪴. The whole anti-Conservative storyline damaged South Park's relevancy, and the show really hasn't been the same since.
Pity. I really liked Mr. Slave ...
Pity. I really liked Mr. Slave ...

IT'S FUNNY HOW PROGRAMS like South Park always seem to forget that Conservatives might actually watch their shows, too. In the world of television, *viewers* are really a program's "customers," and like any business, the last thing you want to do is to piss off the people who you hope will buy your product. This phenomena is everywhere on Liberal television, from South Park & Family Guy to scripted dramas like Law & Order SVU. I used to watch the Law & Order's every week, but their in-your-face left-wing agenda has made me delete the franchise from my DVR: I don't need Olivia Benson scolding me for being a Republican, when her unit battles with the violence, murder, and sexual assault within a poorly-run Democratic city. I first noticed this trend twenty years ago, while watching Six Feet Under - one of my all-time favorite dramas. I was a bookstore manager at the time, and I was familiar with the political titles of the day. In one SFU episode, the program opens with a close-up of George Sibley reading an Bush-bashing current affairs title; I was so disgusted, I boycotted the final season for years. Family Guy takes the concept to a whole new level, with brazen, anti-MAGA messages - splayed across the bottom of the screen in many episodes. They're not even subtle about it. The program blatantly insults viewers like myself, then expects us to return the following week - and buy their advertiser's stuff. (Chuckling.) In addition to its condescending Liberal message, I've also noticed Family Guy's MANY BDSM REFERENCES over the years. I think it's fairly obvious that Seth Macfarlane has a dungeon in his basement - and, speaking of "Mr. Slave," it's pretty clear he's not a top.
It's a shame that Hollywood has lost its grandeur, in favor of Political Correctness. With the exception of Last Night in Soho, I can't remember the last really good film that I've seen in a theater. Most of the decent programming I've watched lately has come from Netflix (like Velvet Buzzsaw), Fargo w/Jon Hamm, and Capote vs. The Swans on specialty cable. Hollywood has gotten so damn...childish. The awards shows have such Liberal venom, they've become unwatchable. I YouTube'd the 2024 Oscars opening, and Jimmy Kimmel barely made it 4 minutes into his monologue before taking a snipe at the GOP's State of the Union rebuttal. I have a dear gay friend in the BDSM Community who works in Las Angeles; he works in lighting. He's talented at what he does, he's lived in LA for 30 years, and he's contributed to many popular sitcoms. But even as a fellow Leatherman, he can't tell a soul he votes Republican, because, like Communists in the 50s, he'll be blacklisted by the entertainment industry. It's heartbreaking to hear his stories, the shameless intolerance that exists in Hollywood Liberalism, when it comes to Conservative Voters/Viewers. Again, I go back to a recurring theme of this blog: It's disgusting at how those who preach tolerance are often the most intolerant of all. And in the case of this fellow Sir, the world of television has missed many golden opportunities, as my buddy has walked me through the numerous projects he's envisioned that can never see the light of day, because their characters are Conservative. I mean, from a strictly business point-of-view, conservative ideas are a *goldmine*, because there are so few of them on TV. Yet, rather than seizing a chance to breathe new life into a wheezing industry (and to make millions in the process), the Las Angeles Elite refuses to even acknowledge their "customer base," opting instead to stick to Democratic talking points...and to suppress people like me, a Proud Gay Republican who happens to disagree with them. 🤬
It's a shame that Hollywood has lost its grandeur, in favor of Political Correctness. With the exception of Last Night in Soho, I can't remember the last really good film that I've seen in a theater. Most of the decent programming I've watched lately has come from Netflix (like Velvet Buzzsaw), Fargo w/Jon Hamm, and Capote vs. The Swans on specialty cable. Hollywood has gotten so damn...childish. The awards shows have such Liberal venom, they've become unwatchable. I YouTube'd the 2024 Oscars opening, and Jimmy Kimmel barely made it 4 minutes into his monologue before taking a snipe at the GOP's State of the Union rebuttal. I have a dear gay friend in the BDSM Community who works in Las Angeles; he works in lighting. He's talented at what he does, he's lived in LA for 30 years, and he's contributed to many popular sitcoms. But even as a fellow Leatherman, he can't tell a soul he votes Republican, because, like Communists in the 50s, he'll be blacklisted by the entertainment industry. It's heartbreaking to hear his stories, the shameless intolerance that exists in Hollywood Liberalism, when it comes to Conservative Voters/Viewers. Again, I go back to a recurring theme of this blog: It's disgusting at how those who preach tolerance are often the most intolerant of all. And in the case of this fellow Sir, the world of television has missed many golden opportunities, as my buddy has walked me through the numerous projects he's envisioned that can never see the light of day, because their characters are Conservative. I mean, from a strictly business point-of-view, conservative ideas are a *goldmine*, because there are so few of them on TV. Yet, rather than seizing a chance to breathe new life into a wheezing industry (and to make millions in the process), the Las Angeles Elite refuses to even acknowledge their "customer base," opting instead to stick to Democratic talking points...and to suppress people like me, a Proud Gay Republican who happens to disagree with them. 🤬

THE FOX NEWS BREAKING STORY alert splashed across my screen yesterday morning, when I awoke to learn that the Francis Scott Key Bridge had collapsed after a collision with a cargo ship. Like everyone, my first thought was terrorism - and I'm pleased that as of today, it doesn't seem to be the case. As the story continued to dominate the news cycle, I began to consider the gravity of losing the Baltimore port - and how that loss would affect US commerce in the weeks & months to come. I began to think about what "goods" were moved through the facility: Food? Electronics? Automobiles? Packages for the nearby Amazon facility? At least it isn't oil, I thought, Otherwise, we'd not only have higher gas prices, but a potential environmental spill as well. I started to ponder how *precarious* our economy actually is - and how an accident at a port on the upper East Coast will have repercussions that ripple throughout the country. That thought segued into the topic of open southern border in my previous blog, and I felt a genuine shudder when this hit me: Imagine the damage that could be done with an *intentional* attack on a major US Port, if initiated by an enemy who entered the country illegally - and had the time to plan such a disaster, like the 9/11 terrorists? That thought was coupled with a SECOND realization: The world is now aware of our crumbling infrastructure, and we're spending so much money/time on Liberal social programs that we're not paying attention to potential National Security issues - like the obvious need to replace an outdated bridge within a major port of commerce. People just don't realize how vulnerable our nation has grown under weak Democratic leadership. So long as the cable works, the Amazon packages arrive, and the GrubHub drivers leave the pizza by the door, the symptom of a disturbing trend stands true: Americans have gotten lazy, and if we don't get off our asses, our sedimentary lifestyle will soon be taken away. The sound of the cargo ship ramming the bridge's pylon was a literal *SLAP* in our faces, and unless we wake up to it's danger - and vote for Trump in the upcoming election - we'll have no couches left to sit on, while watching Jimmy Kimmel mock our values on TV. Chuckling. Speaking of "waking up," someone might want to give Mr. Biden a *nudge* on this one ...
Going back to Hamlet 2, one thing I love about the film is that every time I watch the movie, I catch some little detail I'd missed. The scene where Steve Coogan waking up on the couch in the field with his pants around his ankles comes to mind; the film never explains how he got there, though it's clearly implied that he was assaulted after a drunken blackout. It's hard not to make the same comparison to the day in the near-future when Liberals do the same, when the overseas threats that Conservatives have been shouting about finally happens in the biggest possible way. We'll find ourselves on our own sofas-in-the-fields, jarred awake by our device's EBS - as multiple EMP's disrupt our goods, services, and communications - while Chinese warplanes fly over the West Coast, as Russia's attack from the East. Yes, that's an *intentionally* alarmist scenario, but that's the point. Modern Liberalism has created a dangerous apathy within our population, and when we finally move to defend ourselves, we won't have any guns - or Generals trained in combat, rather than special interest studies. I mentioned in my previous post that China has a missile that can destroy our carriers - the primary way the USA wields military might - with the push of a button. Our world has become a cauldron of instability, and without American leadership, the lives that we currently enjoy will Go Away. Do schools even teach basic history anymore? Does anyone remember what happened to the Romans? The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years before it got complacent, and was overtaken by stronger peoples. We all seem to think that the United States has *always* been here, but in reality we're barely 250 years old. We rose to our prominence through hard work & American Exceptionalism, but the Liberal trend of apologizing for excellence will destroy our nation even faster than we created it.
Think about that -
PLEASE ... put down the game controller and think about that !
Going back to Hamlet 2, one thing I love about the film is that every time I watch the movie, I catch some little detail I'd missed. The scene where Steve Coogan waking up on the couch in the field with his pants around his ankles comes to mind; the film never explains how he got there, though it's clearly implied that he was assaulted after a drunken blackout. It's hard not to make the same comparison to the day in the near-future when Liberals do the same, when the overseas threats that Conservatives have been shouting about finally happens in the biggest possible way. We'll find ourselves on our own sofas-in-the-fields, jarred awake by our device's EBS - as multiple EMP's disrupt our goods, services, and communications - while Chinese warplanes fly over the West Coast, as Russia's attack from the East. Yes, that's an *intentionally* alarmist scenario, but that's the point. Modern Liberalism has created a dangerous apathy within our population, and when we finally move to defend ourselves, we won't have any guns - or Generals trained in combat, rather than special interest studies. I mentioned in my previous post that China has a missile that can destroy our carriers - the primary way the USA wields military might - with the push of a button. Our world has become a cauldron of instability, and without American leadership, the lives that we currently enjoy will Go Away. Do schools even teach basic history anymore? Does anyone remember what happened to the Romans? The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years before it got complacent, and was overtaken by stronger peoples. We all seem to think that the United States has *always* been here, but in reality we're barely 250 years old. We rose to our prominence through hard work & American Exceptionalism, but the Liberal trend of apologizing for excellence will destroy our nation even faster than we created it.
Think about that -
PLEASE ... put down the game controller and think about that !

I COULD ACTUALLY HEAR TRUMP YELL "YOU'RE FIRED!" last night, on learning the news that Ronna McDaniel had been canned from NBC. Hannity's montage of the NBC hosts' reaction to the firing was disheartening; "Look at how *deep* they're hypocrisy runs!" - and Rachel Maddow's arrogant response was particularly "inexplicable." Their complaining made me realize how exasperated I am with why people just can't SEE what's right in front of their faces. They were *literally* saying "GO AWAY! WE DON'T LIKE YOU!", like playground bullies & high school cliques - all while keeping a straight face. Again: Those who preach tolerance are often the most intolerant of all! It's horrifying that viewers can't see through this staggering bias, but again, "It's hard to view The View" through a cloud of marijuana smoke. Their hypocrisy is on the scale of Chernobyl. I'm at the point where I want to storm up to Liberal friends, grab them by the lapels and scream: "HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS? CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT EVERY MEDIA OUTLET IN THE COUNTRY IS UNITED IN A COORDINATED ATTACK TO DESTROY A SINGLE MAN? THEY'RE NOT EVEN PRETENDING TO HIDE IT ANYMORE!" Pardon me for typing like Donald on Truth Social, but if it weren't for people like Hannity, Watters, and the Fox & Friends ensemble, I think I'd totally give up on humanity.✨
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a cannabis smoker, but only *after* the queries are sent, the house is clean, the boy is ironing tomorrow's clothes, the bills that I *can* pay are paid, and the blog has been written. (Chuckling - it's fun to edit these things with a buzz!😆) But, as a responsible pot smoker, I *do* observe the Democrat's message at work at my local Dispensary. I roll my eyes as I stand in line with the Leaders of Tomorrow, when their shirts have anarchist D-cals, when they clearly haven't worked a day in their lives, or when I hear them bash Trump within their personal conversations. I'm reminded of the musical EVITA, when Che sings: 🎶"Get them while they're young, Evita, get them while they're young..." 🎶 I'm sometimes tempted to start a conversation with one of them, but, well, you know ...
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a cannabis smoker, but only *after* the queries are sent, the house is clean, the boy is ironing tomorrow's clothes, the bills that I *can* pay are paid, and the blog has been written. (Chuckling - it's fun to edit these things with a buzz!😆) But, as a responsible pot smoker, I *do* observe the Democrat's message at work at my local Dispensary. I roll my eyes as I stand in line with the Leaders of Tomorrow, when their shirts have anarchist D-cals, when they clearly haven't worked a day in their lives, or when I hear them bash Trump within their personal conversations. I'm reminded of the musical EVITA, when Che sings: 🎶"Get them while they're young, Evita, get them while they're young..." 🎶 I'm sometimes tempted to start a conversation with one of them, but, well, you know ...

IT IS OFTEN SAID that "we are only three meals away from anarchy," but with the current direction of Liberalism, I think we're much closer than that. We can barely take the time to give the DoorDash guy a one-star review, let alone to consider the reason he delivered our food in the first place is because he can't make ends meet - and has taken a night job to pay the bills. Democrats have forgotten just how easy it is for our current lifestyle to end, and I wonder how they'll react when late-night talk shows have their content censored by a new President that was put into power by a much-stronger leader from overseas? And I *don't* mean that Biden will be wearing a Mao-suit of course; what's to come will be far more insidious than that. The changes that are happening are as slow as a frog gradually boiling in water - an open border here, a collapsed bridge there, a dangerous trend of Democratic policies everywhere, and an unqualified President right in front of our faces ...
As a Proud Gay Republican within the Leather Community, the LAST thing we want is "Mr. Slave" in the Oval Office. Forgive my crassness, but if we don't get our heads out of our asses now, we're going to be reduced into a Socialist welfare state - a slave to a New World Order that doesn't give a damn about Political Correctness. We'll lose the *drive* that made our nation great, and slowly - painfully slowly - we'll find ourselves in the bondage of another Master - and a society with a President who has no real power. And WHEN we get to that point, we'll finally come to realize that without a strong Conservative government providing an umbrella of protection, we've lost the ability to speak a word of protest.
Freedom is something Americans have to fight for, as gays fought for the right to live the lives we want. I think about this often when I don my leather for Touche on the weekends, and stare at myself in the mirror, pulling down my Muir as I listen to yet another viewing of Hamlet 2 on the television. ✨
Sing along with me now:
🎶 Rock me, rock me, rock me Sexy Jesus! 🎶
- Sir Dave
As a Proud Gay Republican within the Leather Community, the LAST thing we want is "Mr. Slave" in the Oval Office. Forgive my crassness, but if we don't get our heads out of our asses now, we're going to be reduced into a Socialist welfare state - a slave to a New World Order that doesn't give a damn about Political Correctness. We'll lose the *drive* that made our nation great, and slowly - painfully slowly - we'll find ourselves in the bondage of another Master - and a society with a President who has no real power. And WHEN we get to that point, we'll finally come to realize that without a strong Conservative government providing an umbrella of protection, we've lost the ability to speak a word of protest.
Freedom is something Americans have to fight for, as gays fought for the right to live the lives we want. I think about this often when I don my leather for Touche on the weekends, and stare at myself in the mirror, pulling down my Muir as I listen to yet another viewing of Hamlet 2 on the television. ✨
Sing along with me now:
🎶 Rock me, rock me, rock me Sexy Jesus! 🎶
- Sir Dave