I WAS TUGGING THE LAPELS OF MY SCHOTT PERFECTO Saturday afternoon, as I stood in the mirror, trying my leather jacket on. I've put on weight after sitting at my computer for a year writing When People Go Away, and I was curious to see if it still fit - which it does, barely. I have two *good* leather jackets: A Vanson and a Schott, and both retail for around $1000. I alternate between the two whenever I go to the bar in colder months, and as summer is too hot for a jacket, I keep my Schott draped over the back of my desk chair because I like to look at it (and count down the days until I can wear it again). Returning the coat to the back of the chair, I resumed ironing my clothes for Touche - with Fox on in the background. I've been working all week at my new job, so I'm not as current on the news as I should be; rather than MeTV, I was watching Fox News - and their live coverage of Trump's Pennsylvania rally. Steam rose from the iron as I carefully pressed my dress shirt & jeans as the rally's revelers danced to both "Macho Man" & "YMCA," before the music played Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA." I smiled when Donald finally took the stage, as I stared at the television with a shit-eating grin on my face. I love Donald Trump. I often watch his rally videos on YouTube. I quickly finished ironing, then settled on my couch with my bootblack kit, as I began to polish my Wescos. As luck would have it, I was watching LIVE coverage when the gunshots erupted, and Trump was brought to the ground. My world fell silent. I actually started to cry. But my tears of grief quickly turned to joy, when Trump stood back up surrounded by Secret Service agents and gave the crowd his FIGHT!-FIGHT!-FIGHT!-fist. He refused to allow an attempted assassination to disrupt his campaign. And when I saw that, I cried even harder.

I watched Fox News for the next ten hours, abandoning my plans to go out. I was expecting a 🚨*siren*🚨from Drudge on my phone, but when the assassination attempt finally made the website's banner, it wasn't even red. I then started flipping between Fox & CNN, to compare the networks' coverage. Fox was filled with patriotic interviews from people who were at the event. Sure, CNN had a few of those moments, but it's overall story focused less on human drama, and more on the logistics of how a shooter got so close in the first place. I paid careful attention to what footage CNN aired, and to my surprise, they showed the full 2.5 minutes - though I did notice that they muted Donald's "No - Wait!" order (when he was surrounded by agents, right before he raised his fist) when they played the video. I felt horrible for thinking this, but I immediately realized: Biden can use this as an excuse to cancel any/all public appearances, going forward. The moment it was clear that Donald Trump was safe, my mind began to wonder on what this event means on a global scale:
- Trump just showed the world how strong of a Leader he will be.
- Biden's remarks were very well-written, but he exited the podium looking small & feeble.
- If *I* were an overseas despot, I'm realizing that Trump just won the election - and if I'm going to invade Taiwan, nuke Ukraine, attack Israel, or send troops into Seoul, I have, roughly, a five-month window to put the operation together - assuming that it's not in the works, already.

ON THE SUBJECT OF UNSETTLING THOUGHTS, I also took note of a story that got lost in the news. Alec Baldwin's Rust-shooting trial was halted, as the Judge tossed it out of court - and barred it from being retried. Like I did when Trump was shot, Baldwin broke down in tears on hearing the news. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone noticed the parallel between Alec's trial and Donald's trial. (Chuckling - each dodged a bullet, ba-dum-dum.) Both high-profile events had biased, aggressive prosecutors who tried to railroad innocent men. The only difference was that Baldwin's judge would have none of it, and for the first time I actually felt pity for Alec; I've avoided his films since he parodied Trump on SNL a few years back.
Here's a clip from my 5/31/2017 Blog Archive:
" A few weeks back I was watching video of Donald Trump boarding Air Force One, on his way to give the commencement speech at Virginia's Liberty University. I saw him leave the motorcade, climb the airplane's exterior staircase, and pause at the top before entering the fuselage. As usual, he turned to wave at the cameras, and I was struck by the "loneliness" of the entire image. There was no one visible waiting inside the cabin and unlike most recent flights, no First Lady at his side. The President was alone, completely alone, and the visual became the perfect metaphor of his Presidency so far. And I don't mean that as a bad thing. As I've said many times, I really like President Donald Trump.
SNL pulled out all the stops in its season finale before the POTUS left the country for his first overseas trip. Alec Baldwin donned his yellow wig & orange makeup, the Rock & Tom Hanks announced their 2020 candidacy, and anti-Trump politics fueled the following sketches, inserting politics into everything possible. I was reminded of something I'd read about a week ago, and please forgive me but I can't remember the source. It was a news story that described how SNL has crossed the line between comedy and "ridicule," and it focused on Sean Spicer - and Melissa McCarthy's increasingly-cruel portrayal of him. It's one thing to "mock" a public figure, like Kate Mckinnon's dead-on Clinton impression (the way she moves her hands like claws is spit-out-your-coffee brilliant). But unlike Darrell Hammond's equally dead-on Trump ("a-ba-ba-baaaah"), Baldwin's impersonation is as offensive as black-face ... and I'm completely baffled that the PC-movement allows it to happen. And as a gay Trump supporter, whenever I watch comedians like Baldwin ridicule the President, it's hard not to feel like they're ridiculing me. "
Forgive my crassness, but I hope that Alec Baldwin has learned a lesson. More importantly, I hope he shares that experience with others in the Hollywood community - and people like Seth Mcfarlane will stop ruining my (former) favorite programs, by inserting their unwanted Liberal Woke agendas into their storylines. I will admit though, that when I saw the video of Baldwin break down in sobs in court, I felt like Eric Cartman licking salty tears off Scott Tenorman's face.
Moving on ...
Here's a clip from my 5/31/2017 Blog Archive:
" A few weeks back I was watching video of Donald Trump boarding Air Force One, on his way to give the commencement speech at Virginia's Liberty University. I saw him leave the motorcade, climb the airplane's exterior staircase, and pause at the top before entering the fuselage. As usual, he turned to wave at the cameras, and I was struck by the "loneliness" of the entire image. There was no one visible waiting inside the cabin and unlike most recent flights, no First Lady at his side. The President was alone, completely alone, and the visual became the perfect metaphor of his Presidency so far. And I don't mean that as a bad thing. As I've said many times, I really like President Donald Trump.
SNL pulled out all the stops in its season finale before the POTUS left the country for his first overseas trip. Alec Baldwin donned his yellow wig & orange makeup, the Rock & Tom Hanks announced their 2020 candidacy, and anti-Trump politics fueled the following sketches, inserting politics into everything possible. I was reminded of something I'd read about a week ago, and please forgive me but I can't remember the source. It was a news story that described how SNL has crossed the line between comedy and "ridicule," and it focused on Sean Spicer - and Melissa McCarthy's increasingly-cruel portrayal of him. It's one thing to "mock" a public figure, like Kate Mckinnon's dead-on Clinton impression (the way she moves her hands like claws is spit-out-your-coffee brilliant). But unlike Darrell Hammond's equally dead-on Trump ("a-ba-ba-baaaah"), Baldwin's impersonation is as offensive as black-face ... and I'm completely baffled that the PC-movement allows it to happen. And as a gay Trump supporter, whenever I watch comedians like Baldwin ridicule the President, it's hard not to feel like they're ridiculing me. "
Forgive my crassness, but I hope that Alec Baldwin has learned a lesson. More importantly, I hope he shares that experience with others in the Hollywood community - and people like Seth Mcfarlane will stop ruining my (former) favorite programs, by inserting their unwanted Liberal Woke agendas into their storylines. I will admit though, that when I saw the video of Baldwin break down in sobs in court, I felt like Eric Cartman licking salty tears off Scott Tenorman's face.
Moving on ...

I WAS SHOWING ALEXANDER the quilted lining of my Schott biker's jacket yesterday evening, as we watched the assassination-attempt coverage together on TV. Alexander is my new roommate. He was born of necessity. As I've spent every dime I have writing When People Go Away, in a desperate attempt to avoid foreclosure, I've both gotten a full-time job *and* a new renter for my extra room. Alexander is...unusual. He's perfect for my home's The Young Ones vibe. He's a skinny white dude in his forties, wickedly intelligent with a long goatee & mohawk, and he works as a meat cutter in a high-end grocery store. He describes himself as a conservative anarchist. I knew I was going to rent to him five minutes into the interview, and after he moved all his stuff in Saturday, we both shared a bowl to relax. With Fox News in the background - and a haze of marijuana smoke, swirling in the green light of my neon cactus - the two of us bonded by talking music, books, and global politics. I can't believe how much my life has changed these past few years, and as Dane made tacos for everybody in the kitchen (with meat that Alexander had brought home from work), I looked at him, then Alexander, then to Vinnie (my younger cat) - and smiled. I feel the same freedom now that I first felt when I moved out of my parent's house at 18; that's an exhilarating thing to say for a man of fifty-five, and I'm enjoying every moment of it. I'm so happy, I actually feel like reading again, and I'm tempted to re-read Sybil, or Richard Baer's incredible Switching Time. I have a growing pile of unread hardcovers by my bedroom door, and it's been years since I've been current on Preston/Child's Pendergast novels. But, I'm not starting ANY-thing new until Amazon delivers the new Crichton/Patterson book; from Pirate's Latitudes to Dragon Teeth, I just love how they keep finding *new* unpublished Michael Crichton manuscripts hidden in the coffin.⚰️
But going back to Alexander, as the buzz kicked in, we ended up discussing history. I showed him my blog, and pointed out a few of the better ones; he agrees with me in that black people deserve Reparations - and that most modern Liberals are completely off their rockers. He also agreed about the fall of the Roman Empire, and, when you consider the lessons of history, even the *strongest* of nations can vanish, in less than a generation. We both concurred the current state of our country is dire, and that Trump is the man who can fix that. I'm not sure if our motivations are the same; I want to see Donald save the nation of course, but I suspect that Alexander just wants to see the shit show💩. Either way, I'm looking forward to getting to know Alexander in the months to come. While watching television in the living room, I overheard him telling Dane in the kitchen that he's also used a Food Pantry, as Dane & I had to do a few months back. It's funny how God gives us just the right people at just the right time we need them, and I'm already thinking about Christmas. Six months ago, I gave Dane a vintage leather jacket I'd acquired some years ago. It would be nice to have enough money saved to buy him a Schott of his own.
But going back to Alexander, as the buzz kicked in, we ended up discussing history. I showed him my blog, and pointed out a few of the better ones; he agrees with me in that black people deserve Reparations - and that most modern Liberals are completely off their rockers. He also agreed about the fall of the Roman Empire, and, when you consider the lessons of history, even the *strongest* of nations can vanish, in less than a generation. We both concurred the current state of our country is dire, and that Trump is the man who can fix that. I'm not sure if our motivations are the same; I want to see Donald save the nation of course, but I suspect that Alexander just wants to see the shit show💩. Either way, I'm looking forward to getting to know Alexander in the months to come. While watching television in the living room, I overheard him telling Dane in the kitchen that he's also used a Food Pantry, as Dane & I had to do a few months back. It's funny how God gives us just the right people at just the right time we need them, and I'm already thinking about Christmas. Six months ago, I gave Dane a vintage leather jacket I'd acquired some years ago. It would be nice to have enough money saved to buy him a Schott of his own.

I WAS A LITTLE DISAPPOINTED IN TRUMP this Sunday afternoon, while I was cleaning the house with Fox News on in the background. I was listening for his voice. I thought he'd do a press conference or something, or an ALL CAPS post on Truth Social, at least. But then it dawned on me: the man nearly d i e d two days ago, and if ANYONE deserved a SICK DAY, it was him. Once I realized that, I did a quick Google search to see if there was any mention of Melania & Barrom going to see him in person - which I could not find. I was trying to imagine what might be going through his head on a day like yesterday: Did he call his wife & family? Did he talk to Biden again? Did Hannity drop by for a visit w/donuts? Was he watching the news? I remember almost dying myself two years ago, and the strange sort of serenity that I felt before things turned around. (That topic is covered in detail, in early posts of this blog, btw.) I recall the feeling of everything slipping away, then followed unexpectedly by the sensation of rushing water - like floodgates in a dam. What I remember most is how that moment changed me, how I suddenly had a genuine understanding of what life is really about: We must love each other, and love what we do with our lives. I imagined how Donald must have felt in the moments when Secret Service helped him to his feet. The surge of energy had to be incredible, at it was clearly a miracle he survived the sniper's bullet. I often wonder what Trump's own belief system is. Does he believe in God? I'm pretty sure he doesn't go to church, but does he pray like I do? During free moments during the day? Talking to God as though he were in the car seat next to my own? I like to think that's the case. Chuckling - people often think that I'm talking to myself when I'm alone in my truck, so I can totally relate.

BUT GOING BACK TO THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT, I want reiterate that our nation is on the wrong path with a weak President in office. Donald has demonstrated the type of *global leader* he really is, and Joe can't hold a candle to that. And, to the White House's chagrin, the media has started to drop the party line - as Joe's mental decline has become too dangerous to ignore. No, they're not stopping their assault on Trump, they're just dialing it back a notch during the Republican convention. They've backed themselves into a corner. CNN's very-thorough analysis of the event's security lapses can only go so far without real testimonials from the MAGA supporters they intentionally suppress. The Liberal Democrat agenda is literally falling apart with every Fox News alert, and the public is witnessing our era's ugly truth: Corruption, from the court system to the White House - and a media that's been hiding the truth. I pray that my fears of global unrest in the next few months are unjust, and I hope to God that Trump has a Reagan-esque landslide, sending Liberals packing - with their heads held in shame.
Our nation literally *dodged a bullet* with the attempted assassination of Former President Trump. And I say that because I genuinely believe that Mr. Trump will win the election, because of his character.
🎶 "You're a real tough cookie with a long history, of breaking little hearts like the one in me - 🎶
🎶 That's okay, let's see how you're doin' - put up your dukes, let's get right to it!" 🎶
He may be loud, he may not be Woke, but the man has balls of gold-plated steel.
And that's the character of a Character with character, and he's got my vote.
🎶 "Hit me with your best shot! ... Why don't you hit me with your best shot! ... 🎶
I just wish he'd get rid of his 1980s Pat Benatar hair.
🎶 "Hit me with your best Schott! ...🎶
🔥Fire away, Mr. President.🔥
- Sir Dave
Our nation literally *dodged a bullet* with the attempted assassination of Former President Trump. And I say that because I genuinely believe that Mr. Trump will win the election, because of his character.
🎶 "You're a real tough cookie with a long history, of breaking little hearts like the one in me - 🎶
🎶 That's okay, let's see how you're doin' - put up your dukes, let's get right to it!" 🎶
He may be loud, he may not be Woke, but the man has balls of gold-plated steel.
And that's the character of a Character with character, and he's got my vote.
🎶 "Hit me with your best shot! ... Why don't you hit me with your best shot! ... 🎶
I just wish he'd get rid of his 1980s Pat Benatar hair.
🎶 "Hit me with your best Schott! ...🎶
🔥Fire away, Mr. President.🔥
- Sir Dave