Back in November 2022, I befriended a gentleman I'd first met on Recon in 2015, a Lovely Little Leatherman who's known on the East Coast. He was a few years younger than me, but as I'm almost 55 myself, that's really not saying much. The dude had hit me up off & on over the years, but I'd dismissed him. He caught my attention on Thanksgiving day with my Mother, with a message w/photographs that made me take notice: All right, you have my attention. You've obviously read my Recon profile - what do you want from me? We totally hit it off at first, so much that my younger persona visited him in New York for a week, in time for his holiday open house. (Check out my Facebook feed.) The guy's adept at social media, so I observed him intently; he taught me much of how I currently manage my own online presence, and I learned lots of neat skills, like how to properly use iPhoto's time-delay, and taking screenshots and inserting them into posts & chats, as I've been doing recently. I actually started writing When People Go Away at this dude's kitchen table, including Chapter Three's opening scene - which began as a text I had sent during his AA home meeting:
"I must really like this guy because I just sat through his fuckin’ AA Home Group meeting – which reminds me of why I HATE AA. Everybody mumbles, everybody “regrets” their drinking, and everybody says the same goddamn thing – over & over – never even realizing that by talking about their past, they’re still trapped inside it. Most importantly, NOBODY knows how to tell a fuckin’ story …"

Going back to The Whale - damn, that film was good! The movie is RAW, on the scale of When People Go Away, and its opening scenes - which include a morbidly-obese Brendan Fraser struggling to masturbate to gay porn, triggering a cardiac event - are no less than horrifying. The film's portrayal of broken family dynamics mirrors my own family's refusal to discuss anything deemed unpleasant. Watching Charlie deliberately eat himself to death mirrored my own attempt to drink myself to death. A few years back, one of my aunts passed away, after a battle with cancer. This woman was the family Matriarch. She was the epitome of Catholicism's most Catholic of housewives, marrying her high school sweetheart, carrying the cross of a stay-at-home holy-mother, and wearing the same damn Simplicity pleated skirt for twenty-seven Thanksgivings in a row. Her turkey was dry. Her family was cheap. Her husband, my uncle - a bald, pointy-nosed, church go'n curmudgeon - had somehow raised a family of five on a coach's meager salary. I hate these people. They claim I'm going to hell because I'm gay. Ironically though, I've already been to hell, and I don't mean the whole depression/cirrhosis thing. I experienced true hell on the day of my late aunt's funeral, when, after a loooooong funeral service & a loooooong funeral procession to the family mausoleum (where, speaking of skeletons again, we actually had to wait for the fucking Crest Hill coroner to place my aunt's just-exhumed-first-stillborn into her cold, dead arms so she could cradle the corpse for eternity), we ended up at some god-awful Italian restaurant, where the family of the deceased had found the best price for lunch.

*And then, it began ...
"I want to thank you all for coming today. It's good to be surrounded by the family that I love. I'm sure you've all been following MaryBeth's cancer plight in our weekly newsletters - that woman sure loved to write, God rest her soul - and as you all know, her body just couldn't handle all the chemotherapy treatments, which caused it to turn septic. The oncologist told me - not Aeliyah anymore of course, but that nice black woman - that's probably why she was throwing up so much, as she prepared our Thanksgiving meal."
"I don't know how much you may know about the human digestive system, but MaryBeth's gastroenterologist - you know the one, that friendly Pakistani fella' - explained that with her 'particular' type of cancer, it started in her bowels above the anus, near that fiber mass that you all know about of course, to the left of where her uterus used to be. Apparently, her large intestine had actually started to ROT, and the infection it caused didn't react well with the impacted feces that was already causing her pelvic area to leak."
*Stunned silence ...
Uncle Tim then went on to describe, with details so disgusting even Quincy would puke, how cancer had worked in yin & yang-tandem with her poop-chute's decomposition process - as we were all trying to eat. In addition to disturbingly-specific medical terminology, our Patriarch peppered his address with inspiring Catholic anecdotes: Every time a funeral bell rings, an angel gets his wings. By some *literal* Act of God, one of his sons intervened, and took him aside to the cash bar for a nice glass of wine. My foodservice-grade pasta sauce, like the contents of Aunt MaryBeth's lower chest cavity, had coagulated in the meantime ... *

I was actually going to kill myself two weeks ago, after Touche's New Years Eve party. The plan was simple: I'd get to the bar around 10pm, make my rounds, have a few laughs, ring in the new year...then quietly slip away after that, like Diana at the end of the musical. But I made a decision not to succumb to depression, and I sent my Lovely Little Leatherman on a mission - which ultimately gave me hope. It's easy to make excuses to justify life's difficulties, but even a "difficult" life is still...a life. That being said, as I charge forward with my books, I'll continue to share the journey with - strictly for your amusement of course - the most inappropriate humor as possible. I'm tempted to tease upcoming topics, but I always seem to do the best work "on the fly," so to speak:
"Reading the reviews of Diana: The Musical is like watching YouTube reaction videos to Two Girls, One Cup. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ! WHO thought this was a good idea? Watching Princess Diana merrily sing to AIDS patients was exactly like watching The Book of Mormon's 'Hasa Diga Eebowai.' And by that I mean, the number was so offensive, I actually had to *gather* myself when it was over!"
Not only am I realizing I'm apparently an intellect, I'm starting to suspect that I *might* be a diabolical one.
- Sir Dave