HOT PINK FUZZIES AND SHORTS THAT LOOKED LIKE VINYL can be seen on YouTube, during a live performance of Meatloaf's Paradise By the Dashboard Light. I don't know who the female singer was, but in the video she's "deliciously-1970s" with Ed Wood's sweater, Spanx as tight as rubber diapers, Rocky Horror panty hose, and frizzy hair that flutters like brown dandelion seed. I remember dancing to the song in gay bars: 🎶"...Well, I remember every little thing, as if it happened only yesterday...🎶...Parking by the lake, and there was not another car in sight..."🎶 Everybody knew the words by heart of course, and the theater-people always brought the number home in the most over-the-top way possible. It was especially fun to dance to the song in straight clubs, as the heterosexual men nearly spat out their Budweiser when us gay dudes would yank their girlfriends from their arms, and pantomime the song in the most sexual way possible. It saddens me that Generation Z's/Alpha's have never known the joy of getting drunk off their asses and singing to Meatloaf around the juke box of a local bar. Chuckling. Of course, considering the topic of Jessie Watters' hysterical new book, Get it Together, at least the youth of today still knows how to drink.

I'd been watching Watters promote the hell out of his book last week, with the subtly of Letitia James gleefully seizing Trump's assets. I'm a Hannity fan of course - and I think that Greg Gutfeld is sapiosexual-masturbation material - but Watters is kinda' the guy in the middle, with intelligent wit, a sharp suit & tie, and just the right smidge of Rush Limbaugh's absurdity. In Get It Together, Watters takes the reader through the ultimate "man on the street" journey, successfully keeping the straightest face possible while interviewing Liberals who smoke toad, cuddle professionally, and somehow maintain their Transgender identity while channeling a - ahem - "wolf." (Question: as trans dogs lift their legs to pee, would they use a Men's or Woman's bathroom? ALSO, if they have to take a leak outside, how do they justify pissing on *trees* without hurting the plant's feelings?) It's no secret that I've watched Fox News for decades, and I'm surprised it's taken me this long to take notice of Mr. Watters. Over the past few weeks, I've been following Jesse's show more closely, especially with his recent stories about our open borders. I actually lived in Arizona from 1999-2006, and I have first-hand knowledge of how porous our southern border really is. GW Bush was still our President then, and in the days following 9/11, border security was a serious issue in Phoenix. I remember local news stories that never made the national cycle for some reason; in these reports (around early 2002), USBP Agents had apprehended Radical Muslims who had tried to cross the border dressed as Mexican immigrants, going so far as to wear "I ❤️ NY" T-shirts & caps w/American flags. I was reminded of the issue more recently, when attending a local talk by Project Veritas' James O'Keefe (there's a photo on my 4/19/2018 X post), when O'Keefe showed a video of someone dressed as Osama bin Laden wading through the border water - like a South Park character. Even under an Republican administration, the ease of our enemies entering the United States at the time was unsettling. Another moment of in-your-face clarity happened one night in 2003, when I awoke in the wee hours - as a flashlight beam skittered across my carpet, walls, and bed from my open window. (I liked to sleep with the sound/smell of the desert breeze.) When I got up to investigate, I found a police officer walking with a Maglite in hand, balanced on my backyard's wall like a tightrope. A dangerous illegal had just escaped from authorities I learned, and was hiding in the yards of my subdivision's neighbors; I could hear the cops on their walkie-talkies, as they searched for him. Sadly, people just don't realize how long our border has been an issue. And if the border was that dangerous under GWB in 2003, you only need to watch the news to know what it's like under Biden today.

By the waaaaaay, on the Jesse Watters subject of political correctness, does anyone remember the shitstorm that happened when Taco Bell debuted its "Border Lights" advertising campaign in 1995? In my endless battle with weight gain/loss, I recall this flavorless, Fat Free menu vividly; the fast food chain had proudly reinvented sour cream, and marketed it with nationwide commercials that showed their chalky low-cal menu paired with illegals, running through border fences while USBP helicopters followed them with spotlights. Oops. The Liberals attacked the commercials with the ferocity of a Radical Feminist Sex Woker. Err, I mean Worker...
What's happening on our southern border is horrifying. Liberals don't realize that a porous border is clearly the sign of a larger issue: China, Russia, Radical Islamics and others are united together in a coordinated effort to destroy The United States from within - and the border is the perfect starting point. It's like a Chess game where a bad player (who barely understands basic strategy) is pitted against a *gifted* player (who thinks 30 moves ahead) - with the future of the world being determined by the winner. Here are a few fun facts to consider, in no particular order:
- Russia, China, & North Korea are far bigger countries than us, when combined.
- Russia, ruled by an ex-KGB madman, still feels humiliated by Reagan's defeat - and its aftermath.
- China has a missile that can take out our carriers; the USA projects its power with the Navy.
- The United States is supposed to be able to fight two wars at once; one on each coast. (Right now, we can't even fight one.)
- Russia, China, & North Korea, are NOT Politically Correct; their code: Only the strongest survive.
- Have you seen China's AI/Robot technology? Even the Black Mirror robo-kill-dog would shit itself.
- Now, take all of the above and throw in Israel and the Middle East situation.
- Meanwhile, on our southern border ...
- Considering the present state of the world, without the United States leading by example, humanity is on the cusp of exploring space - and finally understanding ✨our place within the Universe✨

🎶Well, I re-mem-ber ev-ery lit-tle thing as if it hap-pened on-ly yes-ter-day🎶 when I watch Fox News, and I'm often reminded of my 2016 blogs - written during Trump's first campaign. In particular, I think about the danger of Liberals unabashedly repressing an entire segment of our nation's population. The most obvious recent example is Letitia James' shameful attempt to seize Donald Trump's real estate holdings, while smugly grinning at everyone with a camera. The story is all over the news. Every CNN, MSNBC, "Big Three" newscast, daytime talk show, & Liberal late-night host is *seething* with hypocrisy as Donald scrambles to secure funds to cover his "cruel and unusual" $464,000,000 bond. As I wrote in my 6/26/2016 post, Democrats are intentionally suppressing Republicans, in the same way the Taliban represses women - or Putin suppresses/imprisons gays. And it comes from the party that claims to represent *everybody* - but is, itself, the most intolerant party of all. I just don't understand how people can't see this, even with all the marijuana smoke obscuring the view of The View on TV. I just saw video of Jimmy Kimmel reveling in the idea of Trump's beautiful 757 being seized by the US government; I literally wanted to reach into the television and SMACK him - but then, of course, I'd be no better than him. (And I'd also have to Windex all the hairspray off the screen.) Another clip I saw on Fox was CNN panelist Frank Luntz pointing directly into the camera (to the viewers), and warning James that by seizing Donald's assets, she'll guarantee his victory in November - as he would be a victim. Chuckling. Now, even "Liberals" are calling themselves *hypocrites*, yet that fact just seems to bounce off Democrats' heads like coconuts on Gilligan's Island - BOINK! To me, this is a disturbing sign of a much deeper issue: the Liberals' hypersensitivity has desensitized Americans to the point where we can't even recognize the danger that's right in front of our faces. I mean, the loaded gun of Liberalism is *literally* cocked between our eyes, and Biden is ready to pull the trigger with his trembling, arthritic fingers - and a little help from the staff. It's no wonder why Democrats want to take away everybody's guns.

Then again, maybe I'm looking at things the wrong way. Perhaps we *should* just accept Democratic mediocrity - and that the USA's best days are behind us. I mean, WHY NOT settle for a government rent-check, and the joy of shopping at ALDI with a LINK card? Why not trust a man in the White House who can't even "Keep Our Own Kids Safe" (for you Rush fans) by doing something as simple as closing the southern border? Why don't, instead of striving to reach our personal potentials, we just stay at home watching WALL-E on Netflix - as the starliner's captains grow fatter & fatter with each passing generation? And, most importantly, *why not* begin the exploration of space by suddenly stopping our first Mars mission launch because in the heat of the moment, some NASA engineer inadvertently *slipped* and called a transgender astronaut the wrong pronoun - and now the mission is scrubbed because she's offended? If you've read my earlier blogs, you know I'm not kidding when I say: I'd rather kill myself. And *killing ourselves* is exactly what we're doing as a nation, if we don't take back the White House in November.

It's a shame we didn't have smartphones on 9/21/1987, when Ronald Reagan addressed the United Nations. During his speech, he referenced our growing conquest of space - and the potential of a threat from outside the Earth: "I occasionally think how quickly worldwide our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. Yet, I ask you: Is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien than the universal aspirations of our peoples than war - and the threat of war?" In other words, Reagan was saying: "Space is a dangerous place, and we'll never survive exploring the Heavens if we can't reconcile our differences here on Earth." Ronald Reagan was a firm believer in American Exceptionalism, and he led our country with Trump-like confidence - and equally-Teflon hair. Our 40th President saw the danger of Communism, not only in its military threat, but in its ideological repression of its people's individual potential - its Iron Curtain grip on HOPE. For those who don't remember, life in the USSR was as bleak as present-day North Korea; citizens weren't allowed to choose their own destinies ... rather, the State chose people's fates for them. That's exactly what's happening in America right now. Modern Liberalism is choosing the future of Americans, and if we don't wake up to its danger, we're going to allow a much stronger - and inhumane - nation to tell us where to work, where to live, what to eat. Worst of all, we're already being told what to *think*, in the sense that Democrats have encouraged us not to think at all. It's happening right in front of our eyes, as the lines at the Cannabis Dispensary & Game Stop stores rival Soviets waiting for toilet paper in the 1980s ... while the coordinated Liberal media assault is hammering Trump into the Leningrad/Washington pavement - as our enemies salivate.
The upcoming election is a crucial moment in history, not for just for our country, but for the world, itself. If we don't do a fast U-turn on our present course, our nation will be overtaken by those who don't appreciate basic human rights - and we'll never reach our species' *potential*, in the thousand years to come. The Universe is a jungle, frankly - and only the strongest survive. If we fail to "toughen up" and live Conservative values, humanity will simply fade into oblivion, an asterisk in Galactic History.
The United States of America was put on this Earth as "One Nation, Under God." We are the rocket that takes our species into the Cosmos, and we do so with the LOVE of our Creator ... & the HOPE that he inspires.
When the day finally comes when we travel the Universe, the people of the Earth will watch the Heavens above - with Meatloaf on the vintage jukebox radio ... 🎶 "Well, it's cold and lonely in the deep, dark night..." 🎶
And that will be the moment when we'll truly be able to see - - -
✨ Paradise by the Dashboard Lights ✨
- Sir Dave
The upcoming election is a crucial moment in history, not for just for our country, but for the world, itself. If we don't do a fast U-turn on our present course, our nation will be overtaken by those who don't appreciate basic human rights - and we'll never reach our species' *potential*, in the thousand years to come. The Universe is a jungle, frankly - and only the strongest survive. If we fail to "toughen up" and live Conservative values, humanity will simply fade into oblivion, an asterisk in Galactic History.
The United States of America was put on this Earth as "One Nation, Under God." We are the rocket that takes our species into the Cosmos, and we do so with the LOVE of our Creator ... & the HOPE that he inspires.
When the day finally comes when we travel the Universe, the people of the Earth will watch the Heavens above - with Meatloaf on the vintage jukebox radio ... 🎶 "Well, it's cold and lonely in the deep, dark night..." 🎶
And that will be the moment when we'll truly be able to see - - -
✨ Paradise by the Dashboard Lights ✨
- Sir Dave