Going back to horror films, I loved the original Alien. I actually have a framed movie poster in my home. I can still remember the first time I saw the film's trailer as a kid, watching Svengoolie at my grandmother's house, in the late 1970s. The first Alien was so good, especially for its time. The second Alien was a worthy follow-up, and the third's premise was so creepy, I enjoyed that as well. But like Peter Sellers' Pink Panther series, the franchise went on too long, to the point where I actually started rooting for the monsters. ("Alien vs Predator" was the series' *jumping the shark* moment.) The last two films - Prometheus & Covenant - were kinda' cerebral, so I was expecting the same from Alien Romulus - which did not happen. The flick ended up being a reworking of the first film, only with a younger cast. It offered few new surprises, the same old jump scares, and the expected special effects that we've seen in previous installments. There were enough nods to the first two films to keep me interested, but ultimately the movie was a let down as it offered nothing new. It had nice production values, but the script was tepid - and the film was doomed from the start. And after spending four nights last week watching the Chicago Democratic Convention, I couldn't help but notice the similarities.

I purposely waited to write this blog until after the convention was over, so I could go through speaker-by-speaker and comment on their individual points. But like a movie franchise that's gone on too long, the Woke Liberal writers had nothing *new* in their stories, as every Democrat speaker said the exact same thing: Trump, bad. Harris, good. It was hard not to yell at the TV: "The reason Liberals have the luxury of fighting about social issues is because previous Republican administrations invested in the military, which allows them the freedom to live their lives as they're doing right now." The hypocrisy of the left borders on *idiocy*, especially as the Liberals refuse to acknowledge Republican's direct questions: HOW will you secure the border? HOW will you deal with rampant crime in the big cities? HOW will you lower the National Debt? How about the Fentanyl crisis? Or the fact that the last two generations can barely get off the couch? How, how...HOW do the Democrats expect us to reach our God-given potentials, if we're holding ourselves back with out of control, womb-to-tomb social policies? The present state of our country is unsustainable, and the Republicans are the only ones who genuinely understand that. Forgive my bluntness, but Americans have had it easy for decades, and our selfishness has prevented us from seeing just how precarious our country's future has become. That needs to change. And it needs to change fast.
Remember these bullet points? -
They speak for themselves:
- Russia, China, & North Korea are far bigger countries than us, when combined.
- Russia, ruled by an ex-KGB madman, still feels humiliated by Reagan's defeat - and its aftermath.
- China has a missile that can take out our carriers; the USA projects its power with the Navy.
- The United States is supposed to be able to fight two wars at once; one on each coast. (Right now, we can't even fight one.)
- Russia, China, & North Korea, are NOT Politically Correct; their code: Only the strongest survive.
- Have you seen China's AI/Robot technology? Even the Black Mirror robo-kill-dog would shit itself.
- Now, take all of the above and throw in Israel and the Middle East situation.
- Meanwhile, on our southern border ...
- Considering the present state of the world, without the United States leading by example, humanity is on the cusp of exploring space - and finally understanding ✨our place within the Universe✨
I have yet to see a Liberal even begin to address these issues, while Donald Trump brings them up almost every time he's on camera. Whenever I ask Democrat friends how they feel about such statements, their unanimous response is to attack Trump's social policies, without ever thinking about the bigger picture: we're in danger of losing our way of life. Think about that: Losing...our WAY...of LIFE. Sure, that seems alarmist on the surface, but so did a terrorist attack on 9/10/2001. If our country were a car's dashboard, it would be flashing warning lights: 🚨Economy! 🚨Border! 🚨Inner-city Crime! 🚨Military! 🚨Damaging social policies! 🚨The Apathy of Youth! 🚨Overseas Threats! 🚨Quantum computing! 🚨Space Travel! 🚨The Loss of Personal Potential - and the damage it's caused to two generations! I often think of the late Rush Limbaugh, when I imagine the DECLINE that modern Liberals have caused in this country...
He's be rolling in his grave, had his *American Patriot* headstone not been so heavy.

Fueled by the convention "bounce," Drudge warned yesterday that Trump's campaign was in retreat - as did the Liberal media. But I believe in my heart that the majority of voters can *see* through the coordinated commentators on CNN, MSNBC, et al. - and that in the weeks to come, the tides will shift back to Trump's favor (especially after the debate(s)). The Democratic agenda is like a big, pretty balloon of Woke deficit spending - and only Republicans can see it's ready to *pop*. I'm admittedly concerned that Joe's still in office, particularly with the threats overseas, while we're all distracted by the election. I'm bracing for incursions into territories in Europe, Asia, & Israel - and what Biden's response might be, if any at all. It's the proverbial "calm before the storm," a cloudburst that I suspect will happen before Nov 5th. I hope I'm wrong. The United States, in its current condition, is unable to effectively fight a war of consequence - and I don't know how we'll handle the humiliation of military defeat. At the very least, I'm sure the situation will trigger a swell of 9-11 patriotism, a national kick in the ass to vote the Liberals out of office - and to return our country to its former glory, one nation, under God.
On the subject of God, I pray to him every day - and I thank him for all the good he's done in my life. I'm recovering from 45 years of depression, and despite being broke, I still feel pretty good about life. I've shed my Catholic guilt, my personalities are reintegrating, and I've finished writing When People Go Away. I still have my down-days, but for the most part, things are looking up for me. I've been sending both queries & completed manuscripts to agents & media anchors, and it's only a matter of time before someone picks me up - and I can spend the rest of my life writing books. There is no greater feeling than living up to your potential, and I have more good days than bad. My depression is dangerous, but it's no longer as overwhelming as it once was - and I've learned to live my life one day at a time, as they say in AA. When you've been sad as long as me, every *good day* is a blessing - and I make sure to acknowledge God when my life goes well. I thank him for my serenity, and I'm careful to pray for others as well - even the people who piss me off. That's the key to prayer, you see; always pray for others before you ask for help, yourself. God DOES listen when we ask him for guidance, and if you let him into your life, you'll see the many miracles that he delivers every day.

We have entered the 🌎 Age of Aquarius 🌍, and it's time for our species to evolve. Space is not "Woke." It's a very harsh environment, and at this stage in our development, not for the faint of heart. As we set our sights on the heavens, we must find a way to embrace all Americans - Liberal & Conservative - in a New World Order of planetary peace. And that evolution will start on Nov 5th, when we finally remove the Democrats from office - before they cause further damage.
I cannot stress enough how important is is that we win this next election, and return Donald Trump to his rightful place in the White House. If we don't, we'll lose the freedoms we all enjoy during one of the most important moments in human history. ✨
It's as simple as that.
- Sir Dave