THERE IS NO GREATER JOY for a man of a certain age than dimming the lights, curling up with my cat, and watching a good movie on TV. This time of year is filled with WWII dramas of course, and after rewatching a few episodes of "Band of Brothers" on Memorial Day, I thought I'd give Saving Private Ryan another go - as I hadn't seen it since the 90s. The last time I watched it, I had to view the graphic opening scene on MUTE, so I made it a point to turn the sound UP to fully appreciate its horror, this time around. The opening scene is, of course, infamous: the Allied assault, terrified soldiers puking in boats, bullets in the water, young men drowning before they even reached the beach, bloodied men overtaken by shellshock - Christ! Failure was not an option when America entered WWII, and the youth of today has *no idea* the sacrifices that had to be made to take Omaha Beach - and to win, not one, but two World Wars. I literally wince whenever Liberals compare Trump to Hitler: "Do you even know what Hitler did? Because if you don't, you might want to ask Siri what the definition of HOLOCAUST is." I'm serious, btw. With as WOKE as our educational system has become, are teachers even "allowed" to describe NAZI atrocities anymore, or do they just cover The Second World War with a sanitized lecture - and a short YouTube video? (Quick question: were the Germans called "illegal immigrants" when they invaded Poland - or did the BBC refer to them as "undocumented," to avoid hurting the stormtroopers' feelings?) It's offensive that our current generation of young people know more about the Call of Duty video game than they do about the actual war, and with each passing year, the true meaning of D-Day is rapidly being forgotten.

When Fox News aired video of 100+year-old WWII vets being wheelchaired through the Paris airport yesterday, I thought for a moment that Biden had arrived in France early - oops. Later, when the President *did* land in Europe, he was quickly shuffled away from the cameras without talking to press - obviously to avoid any gaffes, especially if asked about Hunter. His whole visit felt "hollow," as though he were taking advantage of the road trip to stretch his legs along a different beach than Delaware. Luckily, "looking downward & sullen" is how Joe always looks, so at least he appeared *sorta* Presidential to mark the somber occasion. The memorial service was attended by numerous world leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron & Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Biden's speech about defending freedom & democracy was a high point obviously, though his message was clearly that of his speechwriters - not of The President, himself. Considering the gravity of what happened in 44', it was hard not to imagine what Donald Trump would have said, had he won a second term. (HE would have spoken from the heart - not the teleprompter.) Had Joe been in office during WWII, I can't even envision HOW we could have pulled off D-Day to begin with - particularly with how we left Afghanistan.
Actually, that question is moot: Under Democratic leadership, The United States is currently *incapable* of a Normandy-style military operation on the scale that would be required. And I mean that both militarily & socially. Sure, the B-21 Raider is a much-needed replacement for our aging fleet, but don't forget that the US projects military power with its navy - and China has a missile right now that can destroy our carriers with a push of a button. Add to that, wokeness has infiltrated our armed forces, and rather than combat training, our servicemen are forced to sit through hours of special-interest sensitivity training - so they don't accidentally use the wrong pronoun on the battlefield. (Remember what Rush used to say? - The military is meant to do two things: kill people and break things?) This is horrible to admit, but to me, Biden's Normandy speech had an *ominous* feeling - a foreshadowing of a weakened United States, in a world that's growing more dangerous by the day. 🔥China, 🔥Russia, 🔥The Middle East, 🔥North Korea - there around the globe - yet Democrats just don't notice that the United States is the biggest one of all. As we did in WWII, the USA is supposed to be able to fight two major conflicts at the same time (one on each coast) - but with the current decline of our country, we can't even fight one. Sadly, like the centenarian-vets who attended the services, if Trump doesn't retake the White House in November, today marks the very *last* time a US President will have the ability to make such a speech.
Actually, that question is moot: Under Democratic leadership, The United States is currently *incapable* of a Normandy-style military operation on the scale that would be required. And I mean that both militarily & socially. Sure, the B-21 Raider is a much-needed replacement for our aging fleet, but don't forget that the US projects military power with its navy - and China has a missile right now that can destroy our carriers with a push of a button. Add to that, wokeness has infiltrated our armed forces, and rather than combat training, our servicemen are forced to sit through hours of special-interest sensitivity training - so they don't accidentally use the wrong pronoun on the battlefield. (Remember what Rush used to say? - The military is meant to do two things: kill people and break things?) This is horrible to admit, but to me, Biden's Normandy speech had an *ominous* feeling - a foreshadowing of a weakened United States, in a world that's growing more dangerous by the day. 🔥China, 🔥Russia, 🔥The Middle East, 🔥North Korea - there around the globe - yet Democrats just don't notice that the United States is the biggest one of all. As we did in WWII, the USA is supposed to be able to fight two major conflicts at the same time (one on each coast) - but with the current decline of our country, we can't even fight one. Sadly, like the centenarian-vets who attended the services, if Trump doesn't retake the White House in November, today marks the very *last* time a US President will have the ability to make such a speech.

IT'S A SHAME THAT CALL OF DUTY doesn't release an "America" version, the next time the software gets updated. They wouldn't have to change the background graphics much as most Liberal-run cities have fallen into ruin, anyway. Just pick an invader from the paragraph above, and imagine an Iranian EMP (launched by one of the DPRK's missiles that didn't crash into the Sea of Japan) - along with a coordinated attack: Russia invading the East Coast, while China assaults the West. (I described this scenario in one of my earlier blogs, but here's the gist: it's ugly.) Democrats have conditioned today's youth that *nobody* can take our freedom away - but they're wrong. Freedom is something that requires constant attention, and if we let our guard down - and stop actively fighting for Conservative values both at home & overseas - our fat & happy lifestyle will soon Go Away, exactly like the waning years of the Roman Empire. This is what happens when REAL HISTORY isn't properly taught in schools, and the lessons of time are *softened* to the point where even Auschwitz ovens get described in a way that doesn't offend anyone. There is nothing "woke" about wars, rebellions, and the extermination of peoples - but, like it or not, that's how the world works. Rush used to say that Liberalism is "incremental," with small, hardly-noticeable policy changes that slowly build on each other. Unfortunately, we're beyond "small changes." What Democrats have done to this country has now gotten dangerous, as broken family units are reinforced by WOKE schools & universities - creating a society of the weak. We've become a land of Karens & Beta-Males, incapable of the kind of courage needed to defend the nation ... and nowhere NEAR the personal convictions of The Greatest Generation that saved all of our lives eighty years ago today.

THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES is a stirring 1946 drama, a moving story about three soldiers who are returning to civilian life after the end of World War Two. The movie follows a trio of servicemen (with different ranks), two of them with psychological trauma - and the third who lost both arms in battle. As most WWII films tended to focus on fighting, "The Best Years of Our Lives" was the first to really explore the *aftermath* of war - and how its emotional scars might never be healed. One character is a successful banker; his job awaits his return. A second man was a "soda jerk" before the conflict, but he begrudgingly returns to the drug store as no one will hire him - despite the fact that the foodservice position is demeaning, considering his military experience. The third character is the most interesting; he was played by a real-life handicapped actor (a revolutionary idea at the time). In one particularly tender scene, this man shows his girlfriend (and the filmgoing audience) how hard it is to take off his clothes without the use of his hands. The film follows the men as they fight to return to something even close to normalcy, but with deep, personal demons that haunt their daily life. The movie depicts an era that Modern Liberal Democrats are simply incapable of understanding; the sacrifices made by these three men show the type of *personal character* of someone willing to DIE for their country. Imagine that: Being such a Patriot, you're prepared to give your life to defend your nation - because it's the right thing to do. THAT'S the *character* that our country was built upon, yet with the exception of MAGA Conservatives, that quality is disappearing as fast as the veterans who traveled across the globe to watch Biden's D-Day speech.
Everyone's heard the saying "War is Hell" of course, and no one knows that better than Republicans. Not only do we remember the lessons of history, we also know the real meaning of Donald's: "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." In a way, it kinda' *was* a call to arms - figuratively, obviously - in the meaning behind Trump's words. He was speaking with the raw emotion that Joe Biden failed to convey in his Normandy script. Liberals are so preoccupied with Political Correctness/social programs, they've clueless in how the REAL "dictators" are watching our election with plans already in place. From my 4/30 post: "I don't buy for an instant that Iran "attacked" Israel a few weeks ago; I think they were testing the Jewish nation's defenses - predominantly with drones, and a few *real* rockets sprinkled in for effect. The Iranian's attack forced Israel to "show its hand," so to speak - to demonstrate the efficiency/accuracy of systems like the Iron Dome." From Hamas attacking Israel to Kim Jong UGH perfecting North Korea's missile systems, our world's genuine despots may as well be riding horseback shirtless - galloping down Omaha Beach, waving the false white flag of peace. On Hannity last night, Trump's words were chilling: "America is a country in decline." Think about that. Now, think about the fact those words came from our former - and next - President. Good world leaders know not to use inflammatory rhetoric, but only the truly GREAT ones know when such talk is necessary. It's unsettling to watch the correspondents in Liberal media, dismissing Donald's warning: "Did you hear what Trump said? He says we're at war - can you believe how he's intentionally scaring people?" YES - that's the point. YES - we should be frightened. Even Neville Chamberlain gave up the Sudetenland with the promise that Hitler wouldn't push further into Europe, and how did *that* work out?
Everyone's heard the saying "War is Hell" of course, and no one knows that better than Republicans. Not only do we remember the lessons of history, we also know the real meaning of Donald's: "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." In a way, it kinda' *was* a call to arms - figuratively, obviously - in the meaning behind Trump's words. He was speaking with the raw emotion that Joe Biden failed to convey in his Normandy script. Liberals are so preoccupied with Political Correctness/social programs, they've clueless in how the REAL "dictators" are watching our election with plans already in place. From my 4/30 post: "I don't buy for an instant that Iran "attacked" Israel a few weeks ago; I think they were testing the Jewish nation's defenses - predominantly with drones, and a few *real* rockets sprinkled in for effect. The Iranian's attack forced Israel to "show its hand," so to speak - to demonstrate the efficiency/accuracy of systems like the Iron Dome." From Hamas attacking Israel to Kim Jong UGH perfecting North Korea's missile systems, our world's genuine despots may as well be riding horseback shirtless - galloping down Omaha Beach, waving the false white flag of peace. On Hannity last night, Trump's words were chilling: "America is a country in decline." Think about that. Now, think about the fact those words came from our former - and next - President. Good world leaders know not to use inflammatory rhetoric, but only the truly GREAT ones know when such talk is necessary. It's unsettling to watch the correspondents in Liberal media, dismissing Donald's warning: "Did you hear what Trump said? He says we're at war - can you believe how he's intentionally scaring people?" YES - that's the point. YES - we should be frightened. Even Neville Chamberlain gave up the Sudetenland with the promise that Hitler wouldn't push further into Europe, and how did *that* work out?

WE ARE IN THE MOST DANGEROUS PART OF HISTORY, Donald told Hannity on his show Wednesday night. The former President went on explain the growing danger of our enemies' nuclear weapons - far more powerful than the US dropped on Japan. Humanity is on the cusp of Quantum Computing & Space Travel, but we'll never survive this era of exploration without a competent President. Yesterday's Wall Street Journal story raised many red flags on Biden's cognitive decline, and even Bill Maher warned that Joe will lose in November - confirming that Liberals are worried. Good - let them worry. Let them feel the slow, burning pain Conservatives have felt since Biden was elected. Our nation needs the Tough Love of a copentant President, not a leader who's so weak, he's using the court system to attack his opponent (while at the same time, using the same system to cover for his son). The United States is losing cohesion under the Biden administration, and like a frog slowly boiling in hot water, we're rapidly becoming a lesser nation - so much so that even the Liberal media has no choice but to acknowledge that. Americans have grown so self-centered under Democrats, many have forgotten how *big* the planet actually is; we have no idea what's happening in other countries - and how the saber-rattling from our overseas enemies MUST be taken seriously.

THERE'S A REALLY COOL YOUTUBE VIDEO that shows the sky-high standards in which Donald maintains his private 757. The airplane is beautiful; with its luxurious interior, regular maintenance schedule, and professional staff, the Boeing is pristine. Mr. Trump expects nothing but the best in his life, and as he's worked hard to build his fortune - so, he's earned the right. THIS is the kind of leader our nation needs at this turning point in history - and there is a difference between "want" and "need." Donald will maintain the United States in the same way he maintains his aircraft & personal properties: *pristine*. Democrats make fun of Trump's lifestyle, and as a gay man in Chicago's Leather Community, I can relate. I also understand Donald's I-don't-give-a-damn-what-you-think attitude when Liberals mock him like schoolyard bullies - as others have done to me my entire life. What I find most impressive about Donald Trump is that with the way that Liberals have treated him these past eight years, he has the perfect opportunity to play the "victim card" - but he refuses. Rather than victimhood, Trump proves again and again that the only way we'll reach our potentials is to ignore what others say about us, and to find courage within ourselves to do what we know is right.

EIGHTY YEARS AGO TODAY our grandfathers stormed the beach of Normandy because they knew our way of life was in danger. They sacrificed their lives to change the direction of human history - and we're able to enjoy our current lifestyles today because of the men who lost their lives on June 6th, 1944. The world would have been a much different place had the NAZIS succeeded - but we stopped them. Right now, we're in a similar place in history as "intellectual war" is needed to take back our country. Republicans have been called to duty, and we must react with the same fervor as those in WWII. But today will be quickly forgotten by the media, as Modern Liberals will swiftly return to slanted election news. It's up to "US" - proud Conservatives who understand the danger - to "fight like hell" so our children & grandchildren will have the freedom that we've all enjoyed ourselves, at least until recently. Republicans must *attack* the Liberals in the same way they do us, with debates, TV & radio commercials, YouTube/TikTok videos, Facebook, X, and "Get out the Vote" arrangements to help those without transportation to cast their votes on election day (or early voting, for people who can't travel). Like a nation going to war, it's time for Republicans to *mobilize* - and coordinate our message like the Dem's have done for years. Most of all, we must have FAITH in the knowledge that what we're doing is necessary - like the men who stormed the beach in 44', fighting for our way of life. 🇺🇸
It won't be an easy fight, but it's one that Conservatives must win. 💫
- Sir Dave
It won't be an easy fight, but it's one that Conservatives must win. 💫
- Sir Dave