THE VERY FIRST E-MAIL I EVER SENT was to Rush Limbaugh's old Compuserve address, back in the 90s. It was a pitch for a Denny's commercial, making fun of the company's political correctness. In the parody, I had a *typical* family of four visiting a local Denny's: a white father, a black mother, a Mexican son, and a North Korean baby. I set the commercial to Sly Fox and the Family Stone's "Everyday People" - 🎶 "Sometimes I'm right, and I can be wrong - 🎶 - My own beliefs are in this song - 🎶 - The butcher, the banker, the drummer, and then - 🎶 - makes no difference what group I'm in" 🎶. The restaurant was packed with every type of Special Interest group I could think of: blacks, gays, feminists, transgenders, illegals - and included a waitress with Tourettes, a busboy in a wheelchair (who kept bumping into tables/running over feet as he worked), Work Release cooks with no hands (so they had to flip pancakes with bare feet), employees covered in tattoos, and a manager who was so flaming, he almost set the place on fire. The commercial's voice-over included Amy Sedaris: "At Denny's, the diversity of our employees is as vast as our selection of Grand Slams!" Chuckling. Sadly, I don't have a copy of the email anymore - nor do I know if Rush ever saw it. I waited tables at Denny's for many years when I was younger, and I used the restaurant in my second book, The Saturday Night Everlasting. The last time I worked for Denny's, I actually won a company-wide 💡Bright Idea Contest💡. The contest was open to all employees, and challenged us to find/suggest ways to improve Denny's, itself. Most of my coworkers participated. They stuffed the entry box with requests for free food, remodeling the dining room, and increasing employee pay. As the company was very frugal with money, I kept that in mind when submitting my own entry. My idea was simple: take one of the kitchen's many dry-erase boards (that usually kept tabs on food costs) and repurpose it as a Daily Who's Who. *Raul is working the grill. *Consuela is on the deep fryers. *Jose is the busboy, *Carlos is running the dishwasher - that sort of thing. I closed my letter with a line so syrupy, it almost made me hurl: "Knowing someone's name is the best way to make a new friend." (Seriously - I won a national contest with that schlock!) My regional prize was a $1000 check - and a one-in-four chance of winning a trip to Disneyland. I took the cash, but called corporate and had myself withdrawn from the Grand Prize drawing. (I figured that there was some single mother in the contest who supported her family by waiting tables; she clearly deserved the vacation more than me.) The people at corporate called me a "decent human being" for withdrawing, but truth be told, as a man who despises children, a trip to family-friendly Disneyland sounded like hell on earth.

Speaking of hell on earth, Trump seems to be holding up in his New York trial. (See the mention of *elder abuse* in my last blog.) I can't even imagine how furious is - with the kind of anger that can cause a stroke, for a man his age. Every...single...Liberal media outlet is united in a coordinated attack to destroy this man, yet he swats them aside like gnats. I love how stern he looks. People often say the same of me. And most misinterpret the "meaning" of the look: it's not disgust, it's worry. And how can one not be worried with the condition of the world - and the incontinence (Whoops - meant to say "incompetence") in the White House? The precedent of dragging an ex-President into public court is horrifying. Presidents require a certain immunity for the time they are in office. Can you imagine if Harry Truman, after saving the world by dropping the atomic bomb, got hauled into court for human rights violations - not to mention all the trees he killed? The Michael Cohen testimony was embarrassing. When I learned he pulled a Linda Tripp on Trump (and secretly taped his calls), I was surprised that Donald didn't "sense" his character earlier, but at least he knew enough not to include Cohen in his White House staff. To me, after Cohen's testimony, the trial seems over. I have faith in the "truth," not the court system, and as the prosecution is unraveling with Cohen's admission of theft, we must wrap this up fast - so The Orange Man can resume his campaign. The one thing that I haven't heard anyone mention (except possibly Hannity) is how W E A K this trial makes us appear to our enemies overseas. Democrats are so preoccupied with damaging social policies, they've failed to look beyond the horizon - and to consider the consequence of Russia & China finally making their moves, once it's clear that our President is at his weakest. And with Biden growing more incoherent by the day, the attack can happen anytime.

I WOKE UP TO THE NEWS that Iran's President was killed in a helicopter crash yesterday morning. As of today, it doesn't look intentional - whew! I don't know much about the Iranian leadership structure, or how stable their government will be with the sudden loss of a President, so I can't really comment on that. What I can say is that with Iran's recent attack on Israel, I'm worried that he next Iranian leader might be emboldened to continue the assault - further destabilizing the region - and threatening our Jewish ally. I can't help but think of the money that we're spending by supporting Israel - where is it coming from? (Especially with what we've been forced to send Kyiv.) With the condition of our economy, I cringe with every mention of sending weapons to both Israel and Ukraine (which, btw, are both allies I support); with all our resources going to social programs, how much longer do we think that our Treasury can hold out? 💰Money💰 is drumbeat behind every news story - $ to Israel, $ to Zylenski, $ to the immigration crisis, $ to the Liberal agenda, $, $, $ - are we just printing the shortfall? Our reckless spending is *another* reason Trump needs to win back the office: we're so far in debt, only a great BUSINESSMAN can get us out of it. Especially with the money we'll have to spend to fix the present condition of the country.
When Liberal LGBTQ friends ask me *why* I vote Republican, they always accompany their question with talking-points: *The GOP doesn't like gays! *The GOP are bullies! *The GOP doesn't like immigrants! *The GOP wants to take my Disability away! *The GOP wants to take Transgenders and sew their penises back on! My standard answer is something like: "The reason that we get to have this discussion about special interest issues is because previous Republican administrations have invested in our national defense. The military provides an *umbrella* of protection, which allows us to have this discussion in the first place." To me, this is obvious; the Republicans built the house that the Democrats get to play in. But they just don't get it. And they've put us all in danger. As mentioned above, with as in-debt as we already are, do you realize how much money we NEED to spend to stop the destruction of the country? 💵 to immediately secure the border? 💵 to immediately invest in the military? 💵 to fortify our infrastructure against an EMP or cyber attack? 💵 to apologize for slavery and begin the process to pay reparations in twelve years? 💵 to reform the justice & education systems? And the HARD ONE: 💵 to immediately launch Republican-led initiatives (in governmental, educational, and religious platforms) to spread the importance of the traditional family unit (in regards to the *attitude* of today's youth) to stop the growth of Socialism. Unfortunately, we have to spend $$$ to clean up our own mess before we have the cash to help clean up others'. Again, we need a businessman ...
When Liberal LGBTQ friends ask me *why* I vote Republican, they always accompany their question with talking-points: *The GOP doesn't like gays! *The GOP are bullies! *The GOP doesn't like immigrants! *The GOP wants to take my Disability away! *The GOP wants to take Transgenders and sew their penises back on! My standard answer is something like: "The reason that we get to have this discussion about special interest issues is because previous Republican administrations have invested in our national defense. The military provides an *umbrella* of protection, which allows us to have this discussion in the first place." To me, this is obvious; the Republicans built the house that the Democrats get to play in. But they just don't get it. And they've put us all in danger. As mentioned above, with as in-debt as we already are, do you realize how much money we NEED to spend to stop the destruction of the country? 💵 to immediately secure the border? 💵 to immediately invest in the military? 💵 to fortify our infrastructure against an EMP or cyber attack? 💵 to apologize for slavery and begin the process to pay reparations in twelve years? 💵 to reform the justice & education systems? And the HARD ONE: 💵 to immediately launch Republican-led initiatives (in governmental, educational, and religious platforms) to spread the importance of the traditional family unit (in regards to the *attitude* of today's youth) to stop the growth of Socialism. Unfortunately, we have to spend $$$ to clean up our own mess before we have the cash to help clean up others'. Again, we need a businessman ...

HOW SAD IT IS that the state of the Presidency has been reduced to peeing in a cup. I loved how Trump immediately agreed to Biden's terms to debate - provided that Joe pass a drug test beforehand. How humiliating for us as a nation. My view of the Presidency is that the office must be held in reverence, even if the administration is Democrat. Rush used to go on and on about this topic, especially when sitting Presidents would appear on late-night talk shows. Like me, Rush felt that appearing on a unashamedly-left-wing program was beneath the dignity of the office. I remember feeling uneasy when Clinton played saxophone on Arsenio, but it drove me fucking crazy when I'd watch Obama on Kimmel or Letterman, kickin' back for laughs with jokes at Republicans' expense. The Presidency should be "Presidencial," with dignity, formality, and etiquette. The "Office of the Presidency" should always be held in *reverence*, no matter what party is in power. Somewhere in my blogs, I compared Biden's Secret Service to nurses in a retirement home, carefully helping a elderly resident walk. Our President is feeble both physically & mentally, and China, Russia, & the Middle East are using that fact against us - starting with Iran. A timid President is a dangerous President, especially when he wields Political Correctness instead of military might.
It's disheartening to see the condition of Biden's America, as we approach the election. Here in Chicago, it feels like the whole city's falling apart - and you can't even walk The Loop at night these days. There are boarded-up shops along every downtown sidewalk, and violent shootings - that happen on a nightly basis - barely make the news anymore. There are more beggars than buskers, and pedestrians that hold their purses/wallets close. Liberal crime policies have turned this city into a shell of what it once was, and it saddens me deeply to know that most other larger US cities are on the same path. While Biden pees in a cup, the homeless urinate on the streets. I'm reminded of the "Russia Hoax" during Trump's administration - when Liberals insinuated that Putin had a tape of Donald going to town with a pissing prostitute, while staying in a Moscow hotel. This is the state of the Presidency right now under current Democratic leadership, and if we don't put Trump back in office, our country will continue its decline as we lose our "Superpower" status. And as God created the USA to be the world's moral compass, if China & Russia overtake us on the national stage, it's the planet that will suffer - as we begin our exploration of space. We can't let that happen.
It's disheartening to see the condition of Biden's America, as we approach the election. Here in Chicago, it feels like the whole city's falling apart - and you can't even walk The Loop at night these days. There are boarded-up shops along every downtown sidewalk, and violent shootings - that happen on a nightly basis - barely make the news anymore. There are more beggars than buskers, and pedestrians that hold their purses/wallets close. Liberal crime policies have turned this city into a shell of what it once was, and it saddens me deeply to know that most other larger US cities are on the same path. While Biden pees in a cup, the homeless urinate on the streets. I'm reminded of the "Russia Hoax" during Trump's administration - when Liberals insinuated that Putin had a tape of Donald going to town with a pissing prostitute, while staying in a Moscow hotel. This is the state of the Presidency right now under current Democratic leadership, and if we don't put Trump back in office, our country will continue its decline as we lose our "Superpower" status. And as God created the USA to be the world's moral compass, if China & Russia overtake us on the national stage, it's the planet that will suffer - as we begin our exploration of space. We can't let that happen.

THE BIBLE SAYS THAT CHRIST WILL RETURN, and usher in 1000 years of peace. This return coincides with our species beginning the exploration of space - as humanity finally begins to understand its place in the cosmos. I'm surprised more people aren't thinking about this: Jesus will come back to help humanity in this important moment of human evolution. Humanity is on the cusp of The Age of Aquarius with the arrival of Quantum Computing. Our whole world is changing with this important technology, and it's our Manifest Destiny to leave our planet, explore the stars, and learn Time Travel in a thousand years. At the very least, we're facing a food shortage if we don't make great strides in space exploration - and find a world where we can grow more stuff to eat. Like a family that's outgrown its first house, the people of Earth are outgrowing our planet, and it's time for us to "leave the nest," and start acting like adults in the same way parents send teenagers off to college. The Bible has taught us basic lessons of right & wrong, and the new Bible - When People Go Away - The First Book in the New Holy Bible for the Era of Quantum Technology - continues those lessons by reintroducing God into a world that's largely forgotten him. The new Bible delves deep into social issues, and focuses on the Democrat's brazen hypocrisy - and the intolerance caused by its refusal to acknowledge a Higher Power. I hate repeating myself in these blogs, but if humanity doesn't stop and look UP at all the stars in the sky, yes, we'll make it off the planet - but we'll be unable to leave the solar system with manned space ships, like Elon Musk is working on right now. Quite frankly, if we keep voting for Democrats (in their current form), we'll never reach the heavens - as we slowly Go Away because we exhausted finite resources. Think about that the next time you go grocery shopping: "Do I want four more years of higher & higher grocery/gas/goods prices, or do I want a businessman with a lifetime of experience making responsible decisions under similar circumstances?" If you said "businessman," then we need to end this Klingon Show Trial now, and allow Trump to continue campaigning for the White House.
I'd love to see a Fox & Friends "Breakfast with Friends" segment, where Lawrence Jones interviews Donald at a Denny's somewhere. I'd like Trump to take the microphone and work his way through the crowd. It would be cool for Mr. Trump to pass the mike around to diners, and talk one-on-one with them - in regards to what they're life has been like under a Biden Presidency. Lawrence does a great job with the crowd, but I want Donald to work his *magic*, and answer diner's concerns on live TV. If done right, the "video clips" from the moment can be used in a campaign commercial - or better yet, a *series* of TV spots featuring voters in their elements, taking the microphone from the Donald and sharing their grievances to the television viewers. Let the voters share how exasperated they are with the present state of the country, and then allow Trump describe his own Tough Love solutions to Make America Great Again. (Chuckling - think of Tony the Tiger: "America's Greeeeeeat!"). Rather than traditional advertisements (which also must run), I'm envisioning a line of Republican commercials that focus on the positive interactions between Trump & Americans, from Fox & Friends breakfast segments to heartfelt pieces taken along our Southern Border. After Democrats fail to convict Donald in this ridiculous New York spectacle l, I know Trump will hit the ground running - without a gag order. And when that happens, I hope he takes off the gloves.
I'd love to see a Fox & Friends "Breakfast with Friends" segment, where Lawrence Jones interviews Donald at a Denny's somewhere. I'd like Trump to take the microphone and work his way through the crowd. It would be cool for Mr. Trump to pass the mike around to diners, and talk one-on-one with them - in regards to what they're life has been like under a Biden Presidency. Lawrence does a great job with the crowd, but I want Donald to work his *magic*, and answer diner's concerns on live TV. If done right, the "video clips" from the moment can be used in a campaign commercial - or better yet, a *series* of TV spots featuring voters in their elements, taking the microphone from the Donald and sharing their grievances to the television viewers. Let the voters share how exasperated they are with the present state of the country, and then allow Trump describe his own Tough Love solutions to Make America Great Again. (Chuckling - think of Tony the Tiger: "America's Greeeeeeat!"). Rather than traditional advertisements (which also must run), I'm envisioning a line of Republican commercials that focus on the positive interactions between Trump & Americans, from Fox & Friends breakfast segments to heartfelt pieces taken along our Southern Border. After Democrats fail to convict Donald in this ridiculous New York spectacle l, I know Trump will hit the ground running - without a gag order. And when that happens, I hope he takes off the gloves.

🎶"I AM NO BETTER AND NEITHER ARE YOU...🎶...we're all the same, whatever we do...🎶...You love me, you hate me, you know me and then...🎶...You can't figure out what bag I'm in...🎶...I am everyday people"🎶. It's sad that Democrats - the party that preaches Tolerance for everyone - are often the most Intolerant of all: I'm gay, come on in! I'm an undocumented immigrant, welcome friend! I'm an illegal Transgender Muslim who identifies as a *bird* today, then join us - we'll hold the skylight open for you! But you're a Republican? Who believes in traditional values? And you support Trump? GET OUT! YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE! I'm reminded of schoolyard bullies who forced me to eat my lunch in the Library, as no one would talk to me because I was gay. And I know that's how most Conservatives feel in our current administration, as every media outlet except Fox is united in a coordinated attack to stop Trump in his tracks. For a country built on faith, this is unacceptable. And very dangerous.
Our world is at a crossroads, and the November election will be our reckoning. It's scary to see that prominent Conservative commentators like Hannity have been forced to move to (Republican) Florida, rather than endure the Liberal-led decline of other major states. I wince when I watch the news, the attack on Israel, Russia in Ukraine, China threatening Taiwan, North Korea threatening everybody, the kangaroo-court Trump-trial, the insidious invasion of political correctness into government...our enemies are salivating. I encourage you to do your own research; do a deep-dive on any of the mentioned issues, and note how the US has responded. In a previous blog, I mentioned "Jaka Parker" - a diplomat who secretly recorded daily life in Pyongyang and posted the videos on YouTube. His videos are a *cry for help*, and his YouTube channel is clearly meant for an American audience. The DPRK is just ONE of our world's hot spots, peoples who need the United State's intervention to stop its citizens' misery. But like other dangerous places, the US is simply unable to answer NK's cries because our current Democratic leadership has weakened our country's ability to respond. How can we help other countries solve their problems, when we can't do something as simple as helping the homeless on our own soil? And this problem has grown so big that the US is literally one election away from losing the sedentary lifestyle that many have grown accustomed to.
🎶..."There is a yellow one that won't accept the black one...🎶...that won't accept the red one...🎶...that won't accept the white one...🎶"
There aren't many DoorDash options when a foreign power is marching its troops down Main Street - and Biden is just a Paper Tiger.
Food for thought. ✨
- Sir Dave
Our world is at a crossroads, and the November election will be our reckoning. It's scary to see that prominent Conservative commentators like Hannity have been forced to move to (Republican) Florida, rather than endure the Liberal-led decline of other major states. I wince when I watch the news, the attack on Israel, Russia in Ukraine, China threatening Taiwan, North Korea threatening everybody, the kangaroo-court Trump-trial, the insidious invasion of political correctness into government...our enemies are salivating. I encourage you to do your own research; do a deep-dive on any of the mentioned issues, and note how the US has responded. In a previous blog, I mentioned "Jaka Parker" - a diplomat who secretly recorded daily life in Pyongyang and posted the videos on YouTube. His videos are a *cry for help*, and his YouTube channel is clearly meant for an American audience. The DPRK is just ONE of our world's hot spots, peoples who need the United State's intervention to stop its citizens' misery. But like other dangerous places, the US is simply unable to answer NK's cries because our current Democratic leadership has weakened our country's ability to respond. How can we help other countries solve their problems, when we can't do something as simple as helping the homeless on our own soil? And this problem has grown so big that the US is literally one election away from losing the sedentary lifestyle that many have grown accustomed to.
🎶..."There is a yellow one that won't accept the black one...🎶...that won't accept the red one...🎶...that won't accept the white one...🎶"
There aren't many DoorDash options when a foreign power is marching its troops down Main Street - and Biden is just a Paper Tiger.
Food for thought. ✨
- Sir Dave