SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER is one of my all-time favorite movies, so much so that I dedicated my 1/22 blog to it. The film is a masterpiece, like When People Go Away it's "an ugly story disguised as something beautiful," and Rotten Tomatoes considers it one of the finest dramas of the 1970s. Next to Star Wars, the film was the biggest flicks of 1977, so it's no wonder Hollywood decided to make a 1983 sequel: "Stayin' Alive." As I basked in the glow of Jesse Watters reading my text on Friday, I dimmed the lights, curled up on the couch, smoked a bowl, and flipped through On-Demand to find a good flick to watch. I'd recently re-watched Saturday Night Fever, so the movie was fresh in my mind when I realized: I've never seen the sequel. So, I ordered the movie, settled back with my cat, and stared in horror at what turned out to be a cinematic dumpster fire on the scale of the Hindenburg disaster.

To fully understand what I'm about to say next, please take a moment and read my January blog: "Saturday Night Fever Dream." I personally think SNF is one of the best films of all time, and the reason it worked is because it got *everything* right: 💥Stellar script. 💥Killer soundtrack. 💥A perfect understanding of the era's racism, Catholic guilt, and gross mistreatment of women. 💥A blunt *acknowledgement* of the hopelessness of not reaching one's potential. 💥Excellent timing, with the politics of the Carter years - and on, and on. SNF did everything right, yet Stayin' Alive did everything wrong - especially considering the strength of its source material. The film was so bad, it was offensive. It felt like, after Coppola's success with The Godfather, Tommy Wiseau had been selected, not only to direct Godfather II, but to *brainstorm* the project from the ground-up. The concept was bad. Even for a well-funded sequel, the film felt like it was done on the cheap. The plot was ridiculous, the pacing was sitcom-fast, and the three-way love triangle was as well developed as the girlfriends in a Three Stooges short. (Chuckling...the whole thing feels like it was shot through a gauze filter.) Saturday Night Fever is revered as a "period piece;" Stayin' Alive is, at best, a forgotten VHS rental. Remember: the original Bee Gees soundtrack sold as many copies as Meatloaf, and features era-defining songs that can still be heard today. With that in mind, Stayin' Alive's soundtrack has two forgettable Gibb Brothers B-sides, with a primary focus on frivolous 80s pop; they didn't even splurge on Laura Branigan, Toto - or an up-and-coming Madonna. The original film revolved around Tony's "2001" Disco, a magical world of lights, color, music, and couples-dancing. Stayin' Alive however, builds up to a preposterous Broadway dance show (where Tony is given the lead at the very last second, btw) with a shimmering marquee title in big, white lights ... (wait for it)... SATAN'S ALLEY.
Further wiping toilet paper into the filmgoer's face, Julie Bovasso reprised her role as Mrs. Manero in time to see her son dance onstage - in what, by that point in the movie, had basically devolved into a BDSM horror show. BUT THE BIGGEST CRIME OF ALL was the sheer *wasted potential* of the movie in that, Stayin' Alive, had the Producers really thought about it, could have been as great as Saturday Night Fever - in its own way. No, it would have never been as good as the original film, but it could have captured the era of the early 80s that everyone has forgotten. As mentioned in my post "The Dark Side of the Rainbow Flag," 1982/83 was the start of the modern digital age. Atari's hit the market, home computers were selling as fast as Cabbage Patch Kids, and electronics' LED's suddenly appeared within car interiors. Satellite dishes brought cable TV to rural areas, and for the first few years, you could actually see news anchors talk off camera, during commercial breaks. Ronald Reagan was taking back America, and the whole era's "color palette" had softened; everything was mauve, grey, & Wedgewood blue. Everyone remembers the *crazy* 80s, but few recall the period from 1980-1983 when our culture went through a moment of "awakening." The Soviet Union was starting to come apart, CNN went on the air, new technology was popping up everywhere, and Americans felt prosperous under the Republican administration. Add to that the incredible late 70s/early 80s music evolution, and that's what Stayin' Alive should have been about. The film had the chance to be a worthy follow-up to a piece of ART, but instead it took the easy way out - and wasted its potential. And "wasting our potential" is exactly what's happening now, as Liberals dance like actors in a bad movie after Trump was found guilty with felonies.
Further wiping toilet paper into the filmgoer's face, Julie Bovasso reprised her role as Mrs. Manero in time to see her son dance onstage - in what, by that point in the movie, had basically devolved into a BDSM horror show. BUT THE BIGGEST CRIME OF ALL was the sheer *wasted potential* of the movie in that, Stayin' Alive, had the Producers really thought about it, could have been as great as Saturday Night Fever - in its own way. No, it would have never been as good as the original film, but it could have captured the era of the early 80s that everyone has forgotten. As mentioned in my post "The Dark Side of the Rainbow Flag," 1982/83 was the start of the modern digital age. Atari's hit the market, home computers were selling as fast as Cabbage Patch Kids, and electronics' LED's suddenly appeared within car interiors. Satellite dishes brought cable TV to rural areas, and for the first few years, you could actually see news anchors talk off camera, during commercial breaks. Ronald Reagan was taking back America, and the whole era's "color palette" had softened; everything was mauve, grey, & Wedgewood blue. Everyone remembers the *crazy* 80s, but few recall the period from 1980-1983 when our culture went through a moment of "awakening." The Soviet Union was starting to come apart, CNN went on the air, new technology was popping up everywhere, and Americans felt prosperous under the Republican administration. Add to that the incredible late 70s/early 80s music evolution, and that's what Stayin' Alive should have been about. The film had the chance to be a worthy follow-up to a piece of ART, but instead it took the easy way out - and wasted its potential. And "wasting our potential" is exactly what's happening now, as Liberals dance like actors in a bad movie after Trump was found guilty with felonies.

IT WAS FITTING THAT THE ORANGE MAN WORE A BLUE TIE when his verdict was read last week. Blue is the color of Israel, and I was reminded of Netanyahu when I watched the images of Donald leaving the courtroom - as his haters cheered. I'm a *tie guy* (ahem); I love men's neckties, and I always wear a nice one whenever I go to Touche. Donald tends to wear solid reds & navy stripes, but when I saw him give a statement after his gag order was lifted, a chill went up my spine when I noticed the blue one. He was so angry. I was angry, too. There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said in the media, except to to quote our next Commander & Chief: The trial was a sham. Everything about it: it's timing, the pacing, the gag order, the bias of the judge, the strategic weekends off, and the ludacris jury instructions designed to guarantee conviction - shameless. In the hours following the verdict, I was tempted to switch from Fox to see what the other networks were saying - but I just couldn't do it. My heart was in despair for the poor Fox anchors giving live, offsite commentary, as the Democrats reveled in earshot. (I wanted to reach into the screen and hug them.) Fox's evening's shows did a good job gathering montages, though; like lions eating a gazelle, the Liberals savagely tore Trump to pieces in every segment they aired. The reaction of The View was particularly abhorrent (I've hated those people since Whoopie threw Judge Jeanine off the air), and if Joy Behar really did piss herself a little on hearing the verdict, at least she can pull down her Beverly Crusher bangs to help cover the wet spot.
I'm not going to repeat myself - please read my older posts for extensive comments - on how much damage modern Liberalism has done to this country. Instead, allow me to share the "Stayin' Alive" moment that has happened with Trump's trial, itself - which is good news for Republicans. First off, I have faith in the court system: I genuinely believe the verdict will be reversed in appeals - unless, God forbid, Democrat's corruption has completely infiltrated the court system; if that's the case, to the Supreme Court we go! The Stormy Daniels trial/verdict was Liberal's all-out assault to destroy the former President, and the Democrats have shown us how *far* they're willing to go. The Liberals are so confident that the media has their back, they're brazen enough not to "hide their hand" - and to openly use the Justice System as a weapon to destroy a private citizen. We've watched the spectacle unfold for a month, and that includes the chilling, exasperating, coordinated attack from the left-wing news services. The Democrats think they've won, and they're arrogant enough to dismiss anyone saying otherwise. That gives Republicans the advantage - 🎶 Cuz, you've got to have FAITH 🎶 - because we understand the real pulse of the people, and how voters - like me - are sick of sidelining American Excellence for damaging Democratic social policies, Political Correctness in particular.
I'm not going to repeat myself - please read my older posts for extensive comments - on how much damage modern Liberalism has done to this country. Instead, allow me to share the "Stayin' Alive" moment that has happened with Trump's trial, itself - which is good news for Republicans. First off, I have faith in the court system: I genuinely believe the verdict will be reversed in appeals - unless, God forbid, Democrat's corruption has completely infiltrated the court system; if that's the case, to the Supreme Court we go! The Stormy Daniels trial/verdict was Liberal's all-out assault to destroy the former President, and the Democrats have shown us how *far* they're willing to go. The Liberals are so confident that the media has their back, they're brazen enough not to "hide their hand" - and to openly use the Justice System as a weapon to destroy a private citizen. We've watched the spectacle unfold for a month, and that includes the chilling, exasperating, coordinated attack from the left-wing news services. The Democrats think they've won, and they're arrogant enough to dismiss anyone saying otherwise. That gives Republicans the advantage - 🎶 Cuz, you've got to have FAITH 🎶 - because we understand the real pulse of the people, and how voters - like me - are sick of sidelining American Excellence for damaging Democratic social policies, Political Correctness in particular.

You see, the "Stayin' Alive" moment here is just how much the Liberals completely misunderstand the mood of the country right now. Citizens are furious at the economy, and the border has become such a crisis, even CNN can't put a good spin on the story. Gas is expensive, food is expensive, utilities are expensive, and people are starting to pay attention to the news overseas. Everyone is angry, both Republican & Democrat, and the *Donald Trumps* who keep the country running have finally gotten pissed off. From the local voters on Fox & Friends' "offsite diner" segments (Great job, Lawrence!) to the movers & shakers like Elon Musk, the Biden administration has pushed them over the edge with its sheer incompetence. *Everybody's* sick of Karine Jean-Pierre's "Baghdad Bob" news conferences, particularly when she's pressed to answer questions about the President's mental state (and - UGH - John Kirby, who, when asked questions about national defense issues, sounds *exactly* like "Michael Scott" from The Office). It's horrifying. Especially with how dangerous the world is right now. I've mentioned in previous blogs that black people are finally starting to realize how much the Democrats have failed them for 40 years, and that the current venom within the Liberal media comes from correspondents realizing they're losing their base. The "Stayin' Alive" moment: Liberals are doubling-down on a bad premise. Just like the film's Producers chose to focus on the "frivolous" 80s, Democrats have chosen to push forward on their four-plus-decade playbook - as though the world hasn't changed since Carter was elected.
Despite their PhD's, Liberals can't understand such simple concepts as: 🎓Debt must be paid back. 🎓The world has become a dangerous place - and at this point in history, it's not supposed to be that way. 🎓The United States was put on the earth by GOD, and was meant to lead other nations with Exceptionalism. 🎓The human body is designed for one thing: Reproduction - That's a non-negotiable part of God's Intelligent Design. 🎓 The Universe is a jungle, and only the strong species survive! Those of us who have Faith already know these things, but those who don't - those who wrongly believe that the Bible is about dogma, not Tough Love - are the ones who are going to get "eaten alive" (so to speak) as we begin to explore space.
The Age of Aquarius is happening all around us, yet only the faithful can see it - and how important it is "to get this country on track, FAST." Like Stayin' Alive, we have the Perfect Storm of OPPORTUNITIES: 🌩️ Our President is dangerously senile, and the Chain of Command is unexceptable. 🌩️The Country is falling apart, both physically, but more importantly, socially. 🌩️ The Republican base is energized. 🌩️ The Democrats: CORRUPT, from the court system to the Presidency. 🌩️ The media openly & unashamedly displays its bias to the point of being *unbelievable* to viewers - especially lower-income voters. 🌩️ China. 🌩️Russia. 🌩️The Middle East. 🌩️North Korea. 🌩️The Economy. 🌩️The Border. 🌩️The dawn of Space Travel. 🌩️The dawn of Quantum Computing. 🌩️HEY - has anyone noticed that humanity isn't the only species in the Universe (and that maybe other worlds are waiting for us to get our shit together, before they land on the White House lawn?). Add to that, after what the Dem's have done to Donald in the legal system, the gloves are off! And by that I mean, it's time to get angry. And by that I mean, not a call to arms of course, but a call to fight dirty. And by THAT I mean (and I can't believe I agree with Hillary on something, but it applies in this case) is that Trump needs to thoroughly prepare for the DEBATE.
... Annnnnnd that debate must focus on our country's potential.💫
Despite their PhD's, Liberals can't understand such simple concepts as: 🎓Debt must be paid back. 🎓The world has become a dangerous place - and at this point in history, it's not supposed to be that way. 🎓The United States was put on the earth by GOD, and was meant to lead other nations with Exceptionalism. 🎓The human body is designed for one thing: Reproduction - That's a non-negotiable part of God's Intelligent Design. 🎓 The Universe is a jungle, and only the strong species survive! Those of us who have Faith already know these things, but those who don't - those who wrongly believe that the Bible is about dogma, not Tough Love - are the ones who are going to get "eaten alive" (so to speak) as we begin to explore space.
The Age of Aquarius is happening all around us, yet only the faithful can see it - and how important it is "to get this country on track, FAST." Like Stayin' Alive, we have the Perfect Storm of OPPORTUNITIES: 🌩️ Our President is dangerously senile, and the Chain of Command is unexceptable. 🌩️The Country is falling apart, both physically, but more importantly, socially. 🌩️ The Republican base is energized. 🌩️ The Democrats: CORRUPT, from the court system to the Presidency. 🌩️ The media openly & unashamedly displays its bias to the point of being *unbelievable* to viewers - especially lower-income voters. 🌩️ China. 🌩️Russia. 🌩️The Middle East. 🌩️North Korea. 🌩️The Economy. 🌩️The Border. 🌩️The dawn of Space Travel. 🌩️The dawn of Quantum Computing. 🌩️HEY - has anyone noticed that humanity isn't the only species in the Universe (and that maybe other worlds are waiting for us to get our shit together, before they land on the White House lawn?). Add to that, after what the Dem's have done to Donald in the legal system, the gloves are off! And by that I mean, it's time to get angry. And by that I mean, not a call to arms of course, but a call to fight dirty. And by THAT I mean (and I can't believe I agree with Hillary on something, but it applies in this case) is that Trump needs to thoroughly prepare for the DEBATE.
... Annnnnnd that debate must focus on our country's potential.💫

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIBERALISM and "Modern" Liberalism, and Bill Maher isn't a "Modern Liberal." I was surprised - and delighted - when he popped up on Gutfeld last week, and I LOL'd when Maher unashamedly interrupted Greg's long-winded monologue. I've always liked Bill Maher. He caught my attention a few years back, when Ann Coulter appeared on his show. I enjoy Mr. Maher because he's intelligent, witty, he thinks fast on his feet, he presents his case with easy-to-understand bullet points, *and* he always knows the purrrrrrfect place to drop an F-bomb. Maher seemed subdued when he appeared on Gutfeld's show, but he still was funny. I don't remember the specifics of his segments - I know he got laughs - but what struck me was the fact he was on Fox to begin with. How cool, I thought. This is what politics should really be about. Smart, respectful, level-headed Liberals with smart, respectful, level-headed Conservatives, each debating without the restraints of Political Correctness - AND a sense of humor. I'm more familiar with Gutfeld than Maher, but knowing what I've observed on Greg's program over the years, I can see why they'd be friends. I don't know what Mr. Gutfeld's feelings on cannabis are, but I'd love to get stoned with him, Maher, and The Coultergeist someday - and just talk about *stuff*. Maher can provide the drugs of course, Greg can bring the KFC, Coulter can bring candles & incense, I'll bring an EpiPen pen - and a lot of good music on my phone.
Going back to "Modern Liberalism," I'm talking specifically about the current Democrat party - not "Old School" Lib's like Maher. Our government was designed to be a balance of multiple parties, and two parties work nicely, with a Yin & Yang swish. Though I vote Republican, I'm actually a Libertarian - and I have much in common with Democrats, especially with their social policies (obviously). I even support the green agenda, though - like Rush always used to say - We can't help the environment with legislation; we *help* the environment by not artificially-restricting the natural growth of technology - which also damages the economy. I honestly find smart Democrats like Maher as reasonable as fellow Republicans. In earlier posts of this blog, especially when describing the Leather Community, I spoke of how I have no problem peacefully coexisting with Chicago's Liberals ... it's often them that have a problem with *me*. As a Conservative, I vehemently disagree with the city's politics, but as it's MY choice to live here, I'm not going to bitch that almost all my local friends are Liberals. Yes, my close friends are Conservative of course, but my Chicago friends - like the guys at the bar - haven't cast a ballot for a Republican since Jimmy Carter was in power. And I'm not just talking buds in the BDSM community, I'm referring to my LGBTQ friends as a whole. I know retail managers, private contractors, a College Art Department director, bartenders, retirees, a "singing mechanic" - and everybody in between. 80% of my immediate friends are Liberal, yet I still have no problem getting along with them; we all just know to be respectful when talking politics with each other. The easiest way to explain it is, "Old School Liberals respect Republicans, Modern Liberals don't." It's is simple as that. Like Hannity & Colmes. Modern Liberals refuse to listen to Conservatives because they don't respect us - so they won't even acknowledge our pleas to do something as obvious as secure the southern border. And what is the refusal to acknowledge someone? "Elitism." That's the worst form of arrogance. And arrogance as powerful as the current Democratic Machine can only be stopped by a man with a strong enough persona to engage it.
Sadly, it's come to that.
Going back to "Modern Liberalism," I'm talking specifically about the current Democrat party - not "Old School" Lib's like Maher. Our government was designed to be a balance of multiple parties, and two parties work nicely, with a Yin & Yang swish. Though I vote Republican, I'm actually a Libertarian - and I have much in common with Democrats, especially with their social policies (obviously). I even support the green agenda, though - like Rush always used to say - We can't help the environment with legislation; we *help* the environment by not artificially-restricting the natural growth of technology - which also damages the economy. I honestly find smart Democrats like Maher as reasonable as fellow Republicans. In earlier posts of this blog, especially when describing the Leather Community, I spoke of how I have no problem peacefully coexisting with Chicago's Liberals ... it's often them that have a problem with *me*. As a Conservative, I vehemently disagree with the city's politics, but as it's MY choice to live here, I'm not going to bitch that almost all my local friends are Liberals. Yes, my close friends are Conservative of course, but my Chicago friends - like the guys at the bar - haven't cast a ballot for a Republican since Jimmy Carter was in power. And I'm not just talking buds in the BDSM community, I'm referring to my LGBTQ friends as a whole. I know retail managers, private contractors, a College Art Department director, bartenders, retirees, a "singing mechanic" - and everybody in between. 80% of my immediate friends are Liberal, yet I still have no problem getting along with them; we all just know to be respectful when talking politics with each other. The easiest way to explain it is, "Old School Liberals respect Republicans, Modern Liberals don't." It's is simple as that. Like Hannity & Colmes. Modern Liberals refuse to listen to Conservatives because they don't respect us - so they won't even acknowledge our pleas to do something as obvious as secure the southern border. And what is the refusal to acknowledge someone? "Elitism." That's the worst form of arrogance. And arrogance as powerful as the current Democratic Machine can only be stopped by a man with a strong enough persona to engage it.
Sadly, it's come to that.

WELCOME BACK KOTTER premiered in 1975, and was the perfect way to introduce the world to Jimmy Carter's America. Our economy was sluggish, there were lines for gas at service stations, and the President had nerve to make a prime-time address, telling Americans to tighten our belts like a straightjaket. The Democrats hadn't invested in the military, and our country felt *weak* during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. In the middle of the gas shortage - and the trend towards socially-relevant sitcoms - Welcome Back Kotter did a nice job checking off all the diversity boxes, and introduced the country to a young John Travolta. The Sweathogs were the *Muppets* of their day, the young, fresh cast of racially-diverse team-players - and, as was the requirement of the era, almost every main character had a quirk, catch-phrase, or appearance in PLAYGIRL magazine. ("Up your nose with a rubber hose" indeed, Mr Kotter.) I mention the show because it's a really neat *period piece*, created during a time in our history when Modern Liberalism was just getting its start. Back then, the Libs still had our *respect*, so it was easy to tolerate their Sesame Street silliness. We were only a decade out of the sixties, Shell Silverstein was writing poetry, Halston was doing lines with Capote at Studio 54, and though the hippies had begrudgingly gotten jobs, the whole country still smelled a little like spilled bong water. The early-80s cultural shift was right around the corner, and the Liberals of the time were still well-meaning - especially the ones with puppets.
When the Soviet Union took the place of Vietnam, voters were still concerned about national defense when the 1st hints of Modern Liberal craziness began to surface on the coasts. For me, I noticed the change in political landscape when celebrities started "making statements" during awards ceremonies. I forget the year, but somewhere in the late 80s, Cybill Shepherd wore a floor-length dress to one of the big shows; when she lifted it onstage, she was secretly wearing fluorescent-orange Reebok high tops - which marked the first time I'd ever seen such intentional product-placement within a national broadcast. Yeah, I know, orange shoes on an awards show might not *seem* like an important thing, but like Rush always said, "Modern Liberalism is incremental. Lib's are thinking years into the future, and the little things they're doing now, they're doing on purpose." Again, please notice the Stayin' Alive moment: We've lived with growing Modern Liberalism for 45 years, and look at where it's gotten us.
When the Soviet Union took the place of Vietnam, voters were still concerned about national defense when the 1st hints of Modern Liberal craziness began to surface on the coasts. For me, I noticed the change in political landscape when celebrities started "making statements" during awards ceremonies. I forget the year, but somewhere in the late 80s, Cybill Shepherd wore a floor-length dress to one of the big shows; when she lifted it onstage, she was secretly wearing fluorescent-orange Reebok high tops - which marked the first time I'd ever seen such intentional product-placement within a national broadcast. Yeah, I know, orange shoes on an awards show might not *seem* like an important thing, but like Rush always said, "Modern Liberalism is incremental. Lib's are thinking years into the future, and the little things they're doing now, they're doing on purpose." Again, please notice the Stayin' Alive moment: We've lived with growing Modern Liberalism for 45 years, and look at where it's gotten us.

I believe Mr. Carter used to describe his view from his White House Residence as something like, "The Lawn That Overlooks America." Nowadays, when you look across the country, you see crime, despair, corruption, and social decline - and that's the result of Democrat's *incremental failure* over decades. And all of us have lived with this decline for so long, even Conservatives have had trouble seeing it - but now, *everyone's* eyes are starting to open - as Biden exits his press conference with a *squint*. all we need is to just keep Donald out of jail until November. 😬
Of course, if he DOES get taken into custody, I happen to know a guy with an extra handcuff key.
-Sir Dave all we need is to just keep Donald out of jail until November. 😬
Of course, if he DOES get taken into custody, I happen to know a guy with an extra handcuff key.
-Sir Dave