JILL, I MEAN JOE HAD BARELY PENNED OUR PRESIDENT'S RESIGNATION ANNOUNCEMENT last week when the news hit every cable channel, social media outlet, and iPhone alert. I chuckled as this happened. It was like watching hospital doors burst open, when the doctor (in bloody scrubs) rushes into the ER's waiting room to tell the family that after ten hours of emergency surgery, Uncle Joe's gonna' be okay. It was a collective *sigh* of relief so intense, it felt like having an orgasm. And thank God, too. Have you noticed the "look" on Biden's face lately? It's the cold, dead-eyed, Bella-from-Twilight stare that old people get, when they're realized you've taken their car keys away (or in this particular case, the nuclear codes). FINALLY the White House doors are open, and the tinfoil peeled from the Oval Office windows. I honestly got chills when I watched President Biden's primetime address to the nation, spinning the situation like a Karine Jean-Pierre press conference. This man is decrepit on the scale of Montie Burns, and he's clearly getting worse. While the media ponders the Twenty Fifth amendment, Putin, Xi, & Un are staring at the Western media together, their mouths on the floor: NO FUCKING WAY! Without a competent American President in office, there's nobody strong enforce the rules of the global playground - and the bullies will take over. Adding fuel to the fire, we've given our enemies an Afghanistan-y timetable for our Jan 20th withdrawal. As I mentioned in my last blog, if a foreign adversary *genuinely* wants to attack American interests, now's the time to do it - especially with a Lame Duck President who's actively displaying a gross inability to lead. And if the United States assets/allies do get attacked, do we reeeeeeally think that Kamala Harris can protect our nation's borders? The *Border Tsar* has barely visited our own, for Christ's sake.

It's fun to watch the Democrats scramble, as leaks of the "real" Joe Biden finally hit the news. It's horrifying to realize how much the staff has hidden from cameras, and how vulnerable that has left this country to threats from overseas. I love watching Liberals contradicting themselves on air, in back-to-back soundbites on Fox News. I also have no sympathy for pretty-eyed Jean-Pierre these days, as she's clearly been lying to everyone from the moment she took the podium. I find that I need to re-educate myself on Kamala, because, to my knowledge, she hasn't done a thing for years. (I seem to remember she has issues with her staff, as, unlike her boss, she's a very different person behind closed doors.) My impression of Kamala is an ultra-left-wing candidate who's *unpleasant* to work with - and she has more colored pant-suits than Hillary. (It's like she found a style she liked, then bought a rainbow case-pack.) In her recent commercial, Harris is seen taking an endorsement call from the Obamas. The ad was was a work of beautiful Hollywood stagecraft, and I'm sure it was very effective within its target audience. The problem was, it was so well-executed, no one really bought the fake Obama sincerity. At least, I didn't.

HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE, as modern Liberals do a U-turn so fast, the Presidential limo loses a hubcap? Do they really expect us to *buy* the story that Kamala Harris has been waiting in the shadows to be our first black female President all along? That she's been mentored by Biden on America's role in geopolitics - and is now ready to stand her ground against Russia, China, North Korea, and those who threaten Israel in the middle east? I'll admit, I wasn't paying attention to the early Democrat primaries when Joe first chose her as his VP running mate. I know she was a Prosecutor in San Francisco, and "The Prosecutor vs The Felon" does play well in Talking Points ... but again, I can't think of one thing of consequence this woman has done during her tenure as Vice President. And the budget the Democrats have to work with to promote her new campaign is staggering; the Liberal machine is already at work filming beautifully blocked, staged, performed, directed, & slickly-produced TV commercials, promoting a Harris presidency. (I can't wait for their convention.) I hope the GOP is paying close attention to this, and that they might finally start fighting back against this type of media attack. I think they have. Most everyone I know isn't particularly excited by Kamala, and might just vote Republican if Donald makes his case. For years, the Democrats ran circles around Republicans with their massive Get Out and Vote effort, rallying the troops - the invalids, the homeless people - driving/bussing voters to polling places, and knocking on doors & tent flaps at 6am 11/5 to physically escort their Liberal base to the nearest polling places. Considering the gravity of our upcoming election, Republicans must make the same effort.
Here's a snippet from my 10/10/2018 blog, describing Kamala's San Francisco home-turf, and how it dealt with the homeless problem six years ago:
" So, I recently learned of San Francisco's "filth" problem, caused by its massive homeless population. Apparently the city by the bay deals with bums in the streets, shit on the sidewalks, and used syringes that are sprinkled through downtown like a fresh coat of newly-fallen snow. The poop in particular is a massive issue as addicts/vagrants shoot up in the streets, then defecate on the closest slab of pavement. A local TV station found over 300 piles of human waste while walking the downtown thoroughfares. A subway escalator was forced to close when its gears became clogged - with feces - because homeless people would shit on the stairs, then watch it grind up at the bottom. Did you know that San Francisco spends 70 million dollars a year power washing piss, puke, and poop from its sidewalks/streets, only to have the issue return as soon as the cleanup crews go home? It's a disgusting problem, a failure of local leadership, and a shit-stain on the reputation of a city that's known for its beauty. Kind of makes you want to sing a classic song: "I left my shart...in San Francisco... "
Long before she was the Border Tsar, Kamala Harris's San Francisco was literally riddled with homeless people, thanks to bad Liberal policies. In Chicago now, the homeless are everywhere, begging on streets, pleading for money at intersections, and busking for change on major sidewalks. I actually live in Aurora, a far western suburb, and when I can afford it, I keep dollars handy (in my truck) when I meet beggars near my house. When I first moved to Aurora 18 years ago, there were no homeless in my neighborhood, but that's changed dramatically since 2006. Today, the needy beg in the sun at busy thoroughfares - while their families wait nearby, under the shade, watching, hoping. The homeless are everywhere, even within the burbs that are 30 miles from downtown Chicago-proper. Add illegal immigrants to the mix, and the problem has become a crisis that, like overseas unrest, has gotten so bad under Liberal social policies, it can no longer be ignored. And that's just ONE of the Biden-caused fires that the "Dictator on Day One" must extinguish, the moment he takes back the office.
Here's a snippet from my 10/10/2018 blog, describing Kamala's San Francisco home-turf, and how it dealt with the homeless problem six years ago:
" So, I recently learned of San Francisco's "filth" problem, caused by its massive homeless population. Apparently the city by the bay deals with bums in the streets, shit on the sidewalks, and used syringes that are sprinkled through downtown like a fresh coat of newly-fallen snow. The poop in particular is a massive issue as addicts/vagrants shoot up in the streets, then defecate on the closest slab of pavement. A local TV station found over 300 piles of human waste while walking the downtown thoroughfares. A subway escalator was forced to close when its gears became clogged - with feces - because homeless people would shit on the stairs, then watch it grind up at the bottom. Did you know that San Francisco spends 70 million dollars a year power washing piss, puke, and poop from its sidewalks/streets, only to have the issue return as soon as the cleanup crews go home? It's a disgusting problem, a failure of local leadership, and a shit-stain on the reputation of a city that's known for its beauty. Kind of makes you want to sing a classic song: "I left my shart...in San Francisco... "
Long before she was the Border Tsar, Kamala Harris's San Francisco was literally riddled with homeless people, thanks to bad Liberal policies. In Chicago now, the homeless are everywhere, begging on streets, pleading for money at intersections, and busking for change on major sidewalks. I actually live in Aurora, a far western suburb, and when I can afford it, I keep dollars handy (in my truck) when I meet beggars near my house. When I first moved to Aurora 18 years ago, there were no homeless in my neighborhood, but that's changed dramatically since 2006. Today, the needy beg in the sun at busy thoroughfares - while their families wait nearby, under the shade, watching, hoping. The homeless are everywhere, even within the burbs that are 30 miles from downtown Chicago-proper. Add illegal immigrants to the mix, and the problem has become a crisis that, like overseas unrest, has gotten so bad under Liberal social policies, it can no longer be ignored. And that's just ONE of the Biden-caused fires that the "Dictator on Day One" must extinguish, the moment he takes back the office.

SPEAKING OF THE NEEDY, I deal with them daily at my new job, co-managing a local Storage Facility. I've learned we're near one of the largest homeless shelters in the area, so working with the needy is commonplace - especially when I'm walking the property. We often find the homeless *living* in their units, and when this happens, we have no choice but to evict them. I'm puzzled by this. Where did a needy person get the money to rent a space to begin with? I've been told that, like illegal immigrants, the homeless receive free debit cards & cell phones - just enough to survive. I was reminded of Dane's LINK card that we have to use for groceries; the Link card gives us *just enough* to get by - if we shop at Aldi. Having spent every dime I have writing When People Go Away, I'm about a half-step away from finding myself in the same situation as the homeless at my employer. I've never been this broke. I've lost count of the amount of utilities that Dane has put on payment plans - and I'm afraid to ask. I was so behind on the mortgage, I almost lost my house last month, but my family intervened in the eleventh hour, so that's been added to the bill pile. I try to send out 2-3 decent queries every week, and it's hard not to bite my nails as I watch my inbox for their response. I've passed the final manuscript to a handful of "Reader" BN-manager-friends, and their feedback has been positive - even with the novel's Conservative subject matter:
" I am about 1/3 of the way through your book and I am so impressed and in awe of your craftsmanship, your creativity and your storytelling ability. I'm not good at reviews and analysis, because I tend to mentally and emotionally immerse myself - especially on a first read, but your sense of pacing and timing are flawless. I love the way you bring a scene to life with just enough description, but not so much that it slows down the story or alters the tone. I have never read a scene like the "SOUND of SILENCE." I really struggle with the words for how that affected me - so powerful, so deep and so visual. RAW, RAW, RAW emotion through words only, absolutely gut-wrenchingly fucking amazing. "
After decades of rejection, it's nice to get some good news for a change.
After decades of rejection, I'm (cautiously) allowing myself to feel joy.
" I am about 1/3 of the way through your book and I am so impressed and in awe of your craftsmanship, your creativity and your storytelling ability. I'm not good at reviews and analysis, because I tend to mentally and emotionally immerse myself - especially on a first read, but your sense of pacing and timing are flawless. I love the way you bring a scene to life with just enough description, but not so much that it slows down the story or alters the tone. I have never read a scene like the "SOUND of SILENCE." I really struggle with the words for how that affected me - so powerful, so deep and so visual. RAW, RAW, RAW emotion through words only, absolutely gut-wrenchingly fucking amazing. "
After decades of rejection, it's nice to get some good news for a change.
After decades of rejection, I'm (cautiously) allowing myself to feel joy.

AND THERE IS NO GREATER JOY than to watch the Democrats scramble to shore up our *Border Tsar*, before the convention in a few weeks. Chuckling. I can't help but think that we've opened a Pandora's Box, especially with Kamala's ultra left-wing agenda. I can't wait to see the commercials. It will be fun to watch how the Liberal media spins its message with Steven Spielberg sitting behind the director's chair. Unlike Joe, Kamala won't require quite so many jump-cuts, and she can make it through a 30-second take without having to pause for a sip of Laudanum. Today's Secret Service testimony seems to be setting the tone for the immediate news cycle, which is great because it gives the Democrats time to prepare a winning election narrative just in time for the Democratic Convention in August. I'm reminded of Dungeons & Dragons from the 80s, when we'd carefully build a character from scratch, in preparation for the *quest* in our best friend's basement. We need an axe, check ✅. We need a spell-bag, check ✅. We need a magic donkey, check ✅. We need a teleprompter, check ✅. We need a debit card connected to the Treasury, check ✅. We need Schumer to press Kamala's pant suits, check ✅. The list is overwhelming, and the Dem's have just over two weeks to pull it all together.

I sometimes find myself switching to CNN during Fox shows, to compare how they're reporting the topics of the day. They never match of course, but it's still fun how two different networks cover the same story - especially with CNN's/MSNBC's unabashed bias. It's disgusting with how the Liberal media is downplaying Trump's assassination attempt, even going so far to imply that it was staged (on one local SF-area blog that I read). Chuckling - well, considering that Hollywood is helping the DNC with its razzle-dazzle, they'd certainly be the expert at staging.
And the stage is set for the most important election of our lifetime, a literal Civil War between two competing ideologies. Quite frankly, it's our last chance to get our heads out of our asses, and to fix this nation which will lead to healing the planet - all done as humanity begins exploring the stars. Our race is on the cusp of both Quantum Computing & commercial Space Travel, and we're about to realize just how small our world is. Once we start to understand that humanity has a cosmic destiny, we'll quickly realize how petty - and damaging - our partisan fighting has been. We're destined to achieve ✨time travel✨ in 1000 years, people! Even Elon Musk is giving the Trump campaign millions - can we not see how important that is?
When the world's richest man gives Donald both cash and his endorsement, that's kind of a big "wow..."
And the stage is set for the most important election of our lifetime, a literal Civil War between two competing ideologies. Quite frankly, it's our last chance to get our heads out of our asses, and to fix this nation which will lead to healing the planet - all done as humanity begins exploring the stars. Our race is on the cusp of both Quantum Computing & commercial Space Travel, and we're about to realize just how small our world is. Once we start to understand that humanity has a cosmic destiny, we'll quickly realize how petty - and damaging - our partisan fighting has been. We're destined to achieve ✨time travel✨ in 1000 years, people! Even Elon Musk is giving the Trump campaign millions - can we not see how important that is?
When the world's richest man gives Donald both cash and his endorsement, that's kind of a big "wow..."
What's the frequency, Kamala?
Cosmic food for thought.💫
- Sir Dave
Cosmic food for thought.💫
- Sir Dave