Chuckling...though I approve of the topic, I'm also convinced that Mrs. Clinton is a dishonest politician; within the world of ufology, it's a well-known fact that Dr. Steven Greer (the founder of The Disclosure Project) briefed both Bill & Hillary on extraterrestrials back in the 90s, at a meeting on the Rockefeller ranch. Though Hillary stopped the meeting short, the Clintons were nevertheless provided a bound report on the subject; Bill kept it in the White House residence, often reading it in the bathroom - the place, I suspect, that he made many decisions. The report obviously wasn't made public, and the topic of ET life remained "the third rail" for White House correspondents throughout the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations. The fastest way to get one's press credentials revoked was to point to the stars and dare to ask: "Mr. President, are you seriously going to keep denying that we've known about the existence of extraterrestrial life since the Eisenhower administration?" I'd ask how stupid the government thinks we are, but considering how easily Obamacare was passed, well...
But the larger point is that the existence of extraterrestrial life is finally creeping into mainstream discussion, and not just limited to Internet blogs or cable television shows. I think the latest figure is that 80% of Americans believe in ET life, with almost 50% believing that ET's are actively visiting the earth. And I've written about this before. It's absolute madness to think we're alone in the universe. Like Dr. Greer, I believe our galaxy is teeming with life - and that humanity is only just beginning to see our place in all of it. It's really an exciting time to be alive.

Going back to Clinton's comments, the fact that alien life was even acknowledged by a prominent politician proves that our country is on the verge of ET disclosure. You can read my blog archives to learn why I feel this way, and God knows that the Internet is full of credible ufologists and tens of thousands of pages of documentation. Sure, you have to filter out the crap, but I challenge you to watch the Disclosure Project's video testimony without getting chills. All those people who went on record in the last years of their lives - the military men, scientists, the politicians who held public office - spilling their guts about what they saw from the 1950s through the 1990s, and crying as they described the moments when they realized that everything they'd been taught about life & religion was wrong.

But despite getting the human story right, I can't help but feel The Expanse gets space travel wrong. The show depicts starships that rocket through space with traditional chemical engines - technology that's existed since the very first time a kid shook up a can of Coke, then turned it on its side and punctured it. That's a big sore spot for the likes of Steven Greer - the fact that here in 2016, we still use the same basic internal combustion engines that powered our cars in the 1930s. Have you ever read about Tesla's findings? Or how many patents about "zero point energy" (often described as "cold fusion") have vanished completely, along with their inventors? There is a very real validity to "new energy," above and beyond solar, nuclear, and natural gas...and I suspect some in power have been threatened by their potential. You can research the many conspiracy theories on your own, but I will say that when Southwest Airlines finally adds Mars to its frequent-flier package, I seriously doubt that the space-plane will run on gasoline.
Technology is evolving lightning-fast, and we can see it with each new election cycle. Not only does the Internet instant access to news & information, it's allowed us to question the bias surrounding most news stories. Like the New Years Eve fire at Dubai's Address Hotel, we can watch live feeds from peoples' cell phones, Skyped in real time from the other side of the globe. And if "communication" has gotten that good, you know damn well that other technologies have become just as efficient - but haven't been made public yet. I wonder what we really know, from new energy sources that would stop our dependance on oil to who - or what - might be watching from above, waiting for humanity to get its act together.

Even as a Republican, I want to know the "truth" so badly, it would very likely swing my vote.