​Change the story...fast.
All decent comedic stories have a little bit of truth in them, just enough to make you think: "Yeah. I can see that happen." And the sad truth is simple: Hillary Clinton - like her husband - behaves as though she's above the law. FBI Director Comey confirmed this, and his testimony before Congress a few weeks back was no less than damning. As America watched the hearing (with Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton still fresh on their mind), it was impossible to deny the scope of Clinton's corruption...and how that corruption has affected those around her. From cattle futures to Whitewater, from email/security negligence to Benghazi...Mrs. Clinton has been surrounded by scandal for decades. And when last week's headlines changed from Clinton to sniper bullets, I sadly thought, "Yeah. I can see that happen." Wag the dog. There may have been no precedent to bring inditement, but there is precedent for when a Clinton's dishonesty gets caught on camera.

I'm far from a political activist, but I've followed politics closely since Clinton's 92' election - about the time I found talk radio, along with Rush and WLS's "Roe & Garry." I remember Carter & Reagan clearly, but I don't think I started voting until Bill Clinton ran for office. And even then, I wasn't voting out of anger or fear; I'm sure I voted for Bush, but it wasn't the end of the world when Clinton came to office. At least not the first Clinton...

So, a radical Muslim turns off his OnStar autopilot and drives through Bastille Day, like the Blues Brothers in a shopping mall. 50 dead so far, more than the Pulse nightclub toll...and now we've learned that the Baton Rouge police are the latest victims in an ongoing assault on law enforcement. The violence in the world is unsettling, making American elections seem tame in comparison. But, like Turkey, our own country is experiencing a coup...and I genuinely believe we're on the verge of abandoning the electoral college completely, and embracing a popular vote. The technology is available. With the right security protocols, we can vote from home, on our couches on our smartphones. There is absolutely no danger in populism, so long as we have access to unbiased information before casting our votes. And even die-hard liberals & Bernie supporters can sense when the dog is being wagged...distracting us from the latest damning Clinton news. When you're lied to, time and time again, you're going to get angry. And "anger" is why so many gay men like me are voting for the good of the country, rather than narrow special interests...and that means voting for Trump.
Who else is with me?