I mention this because it reminds me a little of what's been happening in the skies above us, as we begin our conquest of space. With our current technology, space is disgusting ... and the International Space Station is known to smell like a prison. We've all been desensitized by watching Hollywood movies, and even Ripley's Nostromo had a degree of sanitization. We think space travel is as clean as a Star Trek episode, with luxurious staterooms, carpet in the public hallways, and antiseptic workstations like the movie Life. But space is really gross, with adult diapers, sweat that clings to the body, and air so filled with floating mucous, dead skin, and other unintentional human excretions that it looks like pollen in the air. It's basically like living on a WWII submarine, often referred to as a "stink ship." As Mad magazine used to say, "Yeccccchhhh!"

So, if cars are this much better in a decade than you know damn well that spaceships are the same. When Apollo went to the moon, it's computer could barely run an old Atari game; now, we have more computing power in our iPhones than in all of 1960s NASA. Think of how much technology must go into a Space X rocket ... and then think of how that very rocket is just an internal combustion engine. If gas-powered cars are becoming obsolete, then how much longer we we use rockets to leave the Earth? Like Stephen Greer says, our current engines are basically retooled 1940s technology, and its high time to make the jump from gasoline/rocket fuel to zero-point energy. Gas powered engines are as dirty as a San Francisco street, and if new technology is available for cars, you know damn well it's available for space travel. I'm a believer that the powers that be are sitting on some amazing new discoveries, and now that we're leaving our planet, it's time for that knowledge to finally become public knowledge so we can clean up our acts, both on and off the Earth.
I really want to know what's out there...