Anyway, with camera recording, the viewer follows Jaka Parker down streets, through urban pedestrian tunnels, across intersections with more bikes than cars, and down miles and miles of colorless boulevards lined with bleak, identical, Orwellian apartment buildings. Unlike footage of soldiers marching though the People's Square, Jaka's videos capture the monotony of North Korean life - a world void of joy. There are no corner coffee shops or breakfast diners with neon-trimmed windows. There are no 7-Elevens, and certainly no 24-hour superstores with parking lots full of cars. There are no glowing Coke/Pepsi machines, no twinkling LED advertisements, no lines outside the Taco Bell drive-thru. There is no "entertainment" of any kind - in the windows of buildings, or anywhere on the street - unless you count the billboards of Kim, Kim, and Kim painted within images of Soviet bounty above empty shops and grocery stores. Jaka Parker has captured the "genuine" North Korea, cold & comfortless, repetitive & gray. It's like the world's most depressing virtual-reality trip. And it's a haunting omen of what's likely to come during the first four years of Trump's presidency -
Hold that thought.

Almost a year ago, I remember watching an InfoWars video where Alex Jones first connected Donald Trump to potential ET disclosure. I can't recall Jones' exact words, but they involved Trump being in the know, a billionaire who understood how the world really "works" - alluding to big business actively repressing new energy technologies that would reduce (and ultimately eliminate) our dependance on oil. This concept is the holy grail of the disclosure movement, and I'll admit I used to think it was all a bunch of conspiratorial nonsense. But I don't think that anymore. There are too many high-profile politicians and world leaders who have flat-out admitted that not only are extraterrestrials real, but they've likely been involved with humanity since the dawn of time. And with both world powers like China & Russia - and private companies like Space-X, Virgin Galactic, and Bigelow Aerospace - all pushing full steam ahead to return to the moon and launch missions to explore the solar system, our government can't keep the ET secret for much longer: we're gonna find out. So, they'd better fess up now.
It's no secret that since the 1970s, the White House press corps has been forbidden to ask any question regarding our government's knowledge of extraterrestrial intelligence. To ask such a question would result in removal from the press room, with possible repercussions for the reporter's parent news organization. But the Trump White House is breaking with status quo, allowing reporters from "non traditional" organizations to sit/Skype side by side with CNN, Fox, and the New York Times. For the first time ever, bloggers, aggregation sites, e-zines, and people like Alex Jones are being taken just as seriously as venerable networks & papers that have monopolized the news cycle for almost a century. And it makes perfect sense. Far more people (myself included) now get their news from places like Drudge or the Fox iPhone app than reading a paper or even watching a news channel. We no longer need to read "All The News That's Fit To Print," we can read what we want to read, and go to sites, shows, podcasts, and YouTube channels that specialize in the topics that interest us. And right now I'm very interested in what Donald Trump might share about "the mysteries of space." Don't forget John Podesta's final tweet, before joining Hillary's campaign in 2015:

My prediction is that the disclosure movement will make itself heard before the next Presidential election.
Check this out: