There are some really incredible videos you can watch for free on YouTube, videos that show Ms. Davis in her final years of life. She had bounced back from a stroke, written This n' That (a memoir), and was making the rounds in the 1980s talk show circuit - with a voice so raspy, it sounded like Harvey Fierstein. Her appearance on Letterman was funny (she accidentally spilled a drink on his pants), though the real video to watch is her 1987 interview on the old Phil Donahue program. Donahue actually let her SMOKE in the studio, so Davis sat onstage obscured within a swirling cloud of white, in front of an audience who clearly considered her royalty. The interview was surreal. Davis - impeccably dressed - barely weighed 80lbs. She talked about old Hollywood, her relationship with Joan Crawford, and what life had become in her twilight years - knowing death was around the corner. With the possible exception of England's Queen, I can't think of a single person today who commands that kind of respect. Maybe the Pope. Or the President in some circles. Definitely not O'Reilly anymore, which is sad because I was really looking forward to whomever he ends up killing in his next book. Chuckling...can you imagine if he kills Bruce Jenner?

Twenty-five years ago MST3K filled a hole in my brain, like discovering a long-lost piece of software that had originally came with my imagination. With two-hour episodes, it took all week to binge watch the Netflix reboot, and I have to admit: the online streaming service nailed it. The reboot is the perfect homage to the original series, while bringing the show into the modern Facebook/Twitter/Netflix era. The cameos by Joel, Mary Jo, and Brain Guy/BoBo were obviously appreciated in a nostalgia sort of way, though I genuinely felt they only underlined how well Jonah Ray had done in stepping into Mike/Joel's jumpsuit. I'm giving the reboot a solid "A-," with the full expectation of an "A+++" with season two. Don't forget, it took the original MST3K two full seasons to really hit its stride - and that doesn't count the KTMA year, when Joel had a mullet.