Pravda is hysterical to read, especially if you're used to the comparitively tame American media. Here's a blurb from a story they ran during the Sochi games, regarding Russia's treatment of homosexuals. I'll post it in pink because that's a softer shade of red: "Homosexuality is a troubling moral and social phenomenon. Due to benign interpretations of the homosexual condition itself it is increasingly being viewed as something neutral or even good. In the words of Cardinal George of Chicago, the gay liberation movement has begun to "morph into something like the Ku Klux Klan". They have thus far succeeded in inverting the West's rule of law into the law of the jungle."
Pravda is void of ALL political correctness, which reflects the attitude of Russians, themselves. Russians are tough, traditional, sexist. And they have no problem calling women "sluts," even in printed news stories. Even House of Cards mocked Putin's state-sanctioned repression of homosexuals and the band Pussy Riot. With a country so brazen they routinely "buzz" our carriers, there's no amount of Gallup polling that can find the right words to gently tell Pootie-poo to be nice to trees. Russians are proud people who fiercely defend their conservative moral values. When Moscow threatened "nuclear war" a few weeks back, Obama's response was as flaccid as old celery. And that's a pity because Russian bears eat meat.

So, with all these countries lobbing F-Bombs & sexist demands at us, why do we reply with gentle political correctness? Do we think Tehran takes us seriously? Has Pyongyang started allowing tourists to roam the city freely, or to visit Kim's reeducation camps? What was Don Draper's vision in the final scene of Mad Men? "I'd like to sing Beijing a song, in perfect harmony..."

Again, I apologize for back-to-back political blogs...but it's hard to focus on other topics when the biggest civil battle of recent history is unfolding right this second on every news channel & FaceBook page. I'm very liberal on most social matters, but I truly despise what liberalism has become - and how most liberals demand tolerance from others, without ever realizing how intolerant they are, themselves.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about how lucky I am to have been born in America; as a gay man who flies a leather-pride freak-flag, I can live openly here...and I've never once worried that my lifestyle would trigger Russian-style homophobia. But I do often worry about those in power who speak on "my behalf." So much time seems to be spent fighting case-specific social issues that we've forgotten how important to maintain the basic ideals that have provided our freedom for 240 years. Over the last few weeks, I've heard more about transgender's feelings than I have about the hundreds of ISIS agents who are known to have penetrated our porous southern border. I know it ain't PC to say this, but when a suicide bomber walks into the Naperville Olive Garden, the last think I'm worried about are the hairy legs in heels in the bathroom stall next to me. Our priorities are waaaaay out of whack, and who we choose for our next President is more important now than it's ever been before. I hope that people realize that. I really do.