- Thousands of illegals being trained, bussed, and dumped into the USA - with Obama's approval?
- Russian-backed terrorists shooting down a passenger airline - with no American backlash?
- The growing IRS scandal, and the jaw-dropping abuse of power that it represents?
- The fact that Obama is so corrupt, even Democrats want impeachment?
- Gaza attacking Israel and/or Israel attacking Gaza?
- The appearance of drug-resistant African ebola?
- Joan Rivers storming off CNN?
This past July had so much crazy shit going on that a major announcement - a story that commanded the Drudge Report headline (in red) - was barely even mentioned by most news organizations: "NASA: Humans Will Prove We Are Not Alone In The Universe Within 20 years." (Spitting out my coffee.) Did anyone else see that story? Does anyone else think that's a really big deal?

Seriously though, I can "feel" disclosure coming in months, rather than years. There's such a degree of chaos in the world, and I can't help but feel that everything is related - and that just when we think that the Earth will erupt in war, an announcement will be made that brings us all together. In the final years of his Presidency, Ronald Reagan discussed disclosure's possibility in his address to the United Nations on September 21, 1987: "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." Personally, I don't think it would take a "threat" to unite us. I honestly believe that just knowing that life is out there - via a formal government announcement - will be enough to bring much of the world together, allowing mankind to look to the stars. (Chuckling.) You can tell I grew up on a steady diet of Star Trek. When I look at the sky, not only do I see stars, I also see warm fuzzies.
That being said, I don't want to discount the seriousness of news-making events - and the impact they have within our daily lives. Every time we turn on a television, computer, or smartphone, we're hit with the news of vanished airplanes, exploded airplanes, or the Presidential airplane being used as the family minivan. I was standing in line at Jewel this morning, reading a TIME article about Israel's incursion into Gaza, when I heard Joan Rivers talking about the exact same thing; the "Premiere Retail Network TV" was playing her YouTube clip, right before letting me know that Jewel also offered Stamps and garbage stickers. I was tempted to ask the cashier her opinion on impeaching Obama, but then I got distracted by her mullet.

But the Quickening's story is one we know too well: the world is evolving so fast, even our kids can barely keep up. I mean, think about what our race accomplished within the last decade: Humanity - literally - went from riding horses to riding spacecraft in less than one hundred years! We went from candles to compact fluorescents, typewriters to virtual keyboards...and from 19th Century erotica to porn so realistic, jerking off can often be better than sex. And when you consider the flying saucer craze of the 50s (and what that craze has become in today's books, TV, movies, and websites), we also went from being Earth-centric to becoming aware that the galaxy is full of life...and humanity is just a very small part. I think that's amazing.
But though humanity is intelligent, we don't always act with the smarts God gave us - and certain rapid jumps in knowledge are accompanied by fear and over-reaction. We're luckily passed the days of burning heathens at the stake, but imagine what will happen when - within the next two-to-five years - Jesus, Buddha, Allah, and L Ron Hubbard are proven to be just "local" representations of a greater galactic consciousness (in an already-populated universe)? Pun intended: All hell will break loose! Forget the spiritual crises in my immediate neighborhood's churches, think about the dilemmas within those faiths across the world who spread their gospels with guns? What...a...mess. And regretfully, in my opinion, we can already see its signs beginning within the daily news cycle.

Let's say it all together, now: "To infinity, and beyond!"