There were far to many bugs to swat, and with food (covered) on the counter, I didn't dare use spray. So I got my vacuum cleaner - and then walked from room to room, window to window, sucking the critters from sills, glass, and even the air. I was surprised at how slow they were. You'd think they'd have reacted when they saw the approaching extension wand. But they didn't, and they sounded like gravel as their tiny little bodies bounced through the vacuum's hose.
I had won, and my home was now fly-free.

They were just angry.
The flies flew out of the canister so fast, several hit my face. My kitchen became the set of The Amityville Horror within seconds, and I laughed at my stupidity. I ran for cover as dust-covered bugs came at me like Kamikazes.
And when I returned a few moments later, I had a can of RAID in my hand after all.