Speaking of Richard Benjamin, I recently watched Diary of a Mad Housewife on YouTube. YouTube is an amazing place for time wasting, and in the last few months as I've finished The Saturday Night Everlasting, I've lost count of the YouTube rabbit holes I've fallen into ... from Amanda Sings to Rodney Dangerfield. Rodney was a particularly fun topic to research, as the guy was incredible - a total rags to riches story. I remember seeing him on the Tonight Show growing up, but I definitely remember him from 1980's Caddyshack. A conservative friend compares Donald Trump to Dangerfield, so I've decided that my next cartoon - a parody of Caddyshack, with elected officials as the characters - will feature Trump as "Al Czervik," in a country club based off of Mar a Lago. Chuck Schumer will be the unhinged groundskeeper, and Nanci Pelosi will totally be "Mrs. Smails"...