So, I finally got around to watching Comedy Central's roast of Rob Lowe - and I was absolutely horrified by the treatment of Ann Coulter. Her presence on the dais was clearly a set-up, and as the roasters delivered jokes, there were more Coulter/cunt insults then there were snipes about Soda Pop's sex tapes - or Lowe's perpetual Death Becomes Her looks. I happen to like Ann Coulter. She's a wickedly funny/intelligent lady. And I'm sure she knew that by appearing at the event, she she'd be conservative catnip in a den of liberal lions - more of a target than Lowe, himself. But what genuinely shocked me were the moments of silence when the camera panned the audience during her set. The crowd was...seething. You could feel their anger like radiant heat. They hated Ann Coulter like jihadists hate infidels, and their heart-stopping glares - and refusal to acknowledge a single point she made - marked the first time I truly understood the ideology that separates Clinton and Trump supporters. It scared the hell out of me.
From William Shatner to Larry the Cable Guy to even Donald Trump, I've always enjoyed Comedy Central's yearly roasts. Some are better than others of course, and the Rob Lowe event was kinda' near the bottom...especially with David Spade's sluggish/tepid hosting, and too many young comedians. What I remember most about the whole broadcast were bottles & bottles of wine & booze, on tables littered with half-eaten platters of onion rings. "Consumption" was clearly the evening's behind-the-scene theme, and as the cameras showed the audience close-ups (inadvertently catching tables that hadn't been pre-bussed), it was hard not to notice that people were stuffing their faces...and racking up massive bar tabs. It was the epitome of limousine-liberalism, the new Hollywood elite blowing thousands on a frivolous night. No one considered how "out of touch" they looked, or how viewers might react to such gluttony and arrogance. "THESE are Hillary's people," I thought. "These are the donors who fund her campaign, and are terrified of a potential Trump presidency."
The whole thing left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I wondered what might just happen if alcohol & onion rings were served at Monday's presidential debate. Hmm...

Eight years ago, Obama had the chance to confront racial tension in a way that no previous President could. Our first black Commander and Chief had opportunity to be an amazing unifier, and to lead by example during the initial signs of 1968-like unrest early in his presidency. Obama could have spoken to the African American community directly, like Reagan did Gorbachev in the waning days of the Berlin Wall. But he didn't, not even close. He "led" with such flaccid political correctness that he actually fueled the racial divide, increasing animosity. Sadly, Obama has proven as ineffective a leader as David Spade proved a roast-host. And the unrest in our country - getting worse the closer we get to November 8th - is as chilling as the audience's silence during Ann Coulter's set. The new normal is indeed, no laughing matter.

The scary side of Hillary supporters can be sized up with a 9/21 Drudge headline: "ANTI TRUMP FORCES SCOUR GLOBE FOR VOTES" - which linked to the BreitBart story: "Soros-Linked 'October Surprise That Will End Trump: The Campaign To Register 8 Million Global Citizens To Vote."

I know that the Soros-effort isn't quite the same thing, but it does share the same liberal panic that Trump might actually win, and even worse, make us pay for our own onion rings. I remember being saddened when Obama won the first election, and I clearly remember being royally pissed when he beat Mitt Romney in the second (even though there was clearly voting fraud in certain precincts). And though these last eight years have marked an embarrassing decline in American influence and power, I've never been afraid that it all can't be reversed with the right decision in the upcoming election. Liberals tout tolerance and patience, and I've been patiently waiting to vote Obama the hell out of office...and to replace him with a man who's donated money as well as a year and a half of his time (so far).
Fear is clearly the country's new normal, and the closer we get to November 8th, the more frightened many Hollywood liberals will become. And once Trump wins, may I suggest "Hillary Clinton" for the next Comedy Central roast -
The dais can be a "town hall" format, with Bernie, Monica, and staffers who haven't yet signed an immunity deal.