The blood had barely dried on the dance floor when the media rushed to embrace the gay community. The lights came on, the cameras rolled, and microphones were shoved into faces of the grieving - broadcasting genuine drama queens' tears. The coverage was as fierce as 9-11. Every news channel & website was wall-to-wall speculation, backed up by millions of FaceBook feeds. WHO would do this? WAS this a hate crime? WHY was this allowed to happen, when it was clear early on that the shooter had been radicalized? Of course, no one dared answer MY first question: "How long would it take Obama & Hillary to make a speech about gun control?" (Answer: about 24 hours.) As the coverage unfolded over the following week, it was hard to decide which thing was more appalling: the nightclub shooting itself, or the media assumption that all gays are Democrats. My own immediate reaction last Sunday went something like, "You mean nobody but the terrorist had a gun in Florida nightclub at 2am?" That's certainly not what I expected after watching CSI Miami. Or Scarface.
As CNN insisted that the terrorist was "home grown," the media's political correctness machine was forced into overdrive. The shooter was undeniably a Radical Muslim. He'd purposely called 911 from the club to make sure that authorities knew he was killing gays for Allah. His father supported the Taliban, he'd made several Meccas to Saudi Arabia, and his coworkers knew about his upcoming killing spree - but didn't tell police out of blatant political correctness. I remember people saying once, "Bush lied, people died," so what would make a snappy Orlando jingle? It's hard to rhyme "Muhammad" with "blood," and no snappy chant effectively communicates the opportunism of reporters during on-the-street interviews. I wonder how many fellow gays even realize how we've been used to advance the Clinton/Obama agenda in the shooting's wake? "#Gays4Trump" became one of last week's top hashtags, but CNN refused to report how Twitter tried to censor (gay) Republican's tweets following the slaughter. Sigh...such a dangerous double standard.

But a much darker truth surfaced in the days that followed, especially after Donald Trump's chillingly matter-o-fact speech. News anchors began insisting the shooter was "homegrown," ignoring mounting evidence of multiple radical Islam connections. The killer's 911 transcripts were edited to remove all references to Allah - completely changing their tone for public release, with the clear intention of misleading voters. Hillary & Obama capitalized on the tragedy to bring up gun control, while CNN planted Anderson Cooper in Orland - ready to ambush local authorities on camera. And while all this was happening, gays in Orlando were threatened a second time, when a local "GaysForTrump" movement surfaced, before being quickly repressed by death threats. Who knew that the Pulse's shooter would seem like the "tolerant" one...?

But when anyone criticizes our own behavior, we attack like children who've yet to learn the reality of the world. And that's what I feel like we're doing when anyone dares suggest that the Republicans might be right on this one, in regards to the overall safety of the country. Forty nine of our brothers & sisters were reduced to puddles of blood & flesh, but we're all still sharing PC talking points on social media, as though we have blinders on. Come on, people...we're so much smarter than that. And we should be as scared as hell with the fact that our current media - including FaceBook, Google, and Twitter - is intentionally censoring hashtags, searches, and news feeds of those who don't share their liberal political views. We may be smug now, but there will come a time when the tables are turned...and we'll be the ones as hated as GaysForTrump. Think about that. It's closer than you think.

Whether you support Trump or Hillary, I really want you to pay attention to how the media covers their campaigns. Whenever a candidate gives a speech, observe how the content is "spun" by different news organizations - and more importantly, how some news outlets intentionally try to influence viewers/readers opinions, barely hiding their bias. Watch your favorite news channel, and then re-watch the same story on the network you hate the most. The exact same exact topic is reported one way on FoxNews, but covered completely differently on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC. It isn't fair. It isn't American. Reporters are supposed to "cover" the news without bias, but few actually do.
But take a moment to consider if you were on the "unpopular" side of the bias. How would you feel? How angry would it make you? How you you react if you knew in your heart that you were right, but no one else would give you the time of day?

And I still think Trump should choose Bernie Sanders as his running mate.