(And Nancy Pelosi doesn't count.)
I mean, seriously...there are fuckin' billions of stars out there!
I genuinely believe that within my lifetime - hopefully within the next five years - our government will finally acknowledge publicly the existence of life on other worlds. I also believe they'll reveal that countries everywhere have been in contact with ETs for years - both peaceful & hostiles, explorers & experimenters - and have, obviously, chosen to withhold the information to avoid mass panic and the worldwide collapse of belief systems. I don't think that governments want to fess up to alien life...rather, I think they have no choice. Our planet's technology has compounded like national debt, and with this has come unstoppable information. And let's face it: If Dr. Zoiberg crashes in Roswell again, the Tweets will hit the Internet lonnnnnng before anyone has time to grab a weather balloon. "Siri...post the crash on YouTube. Oh, and call Greta VanSustern. As a Scientologist, she's totally been expecting this."

Catholics believe in the Rapture, the moment when all true believers disappear from the Earth in the blink of an eye. The Bible doesn't give us a specific "date," but the a Rapture could literally happen before I finish this blog (or 500 years from today, when we've colonized other worlds). As the Rapture is strictly an Earthbound thing, my immediate question has always been, "What happens to the Catholics who are elsewhere in the galaxy? Do they get raptured too? If Earth is raptured, but they're standing on Saturn, what then? Will their spaceships go careening off the galactic highway because their bumper stickers say, WARNING: In case of Rapture, this saucer will be unmanned! ?"
Every major world religion seems to have it's own concept of heaven. Catholics envision pearly gates. Buddhists strive for enlightenment. Islamists want to be one with Allah, though they'll settle for 70 virgins if Mohammad tells them otherwise. But unless you follow Joseph Smith (or John Travolta), almost all religions stop at the stratosphere - with God looking down from just beyond the clouds. But we all can see the stars beyond those clouds, and with stars come worlds, and with worlds come other races - some races that have likely been visiting us for thousands of years...so, doesn't that mean that rather than finding "God," we're all trying to find a "higher consciousness?" (Or more specifically, a better understanding of our place in the universe?) Once you wrap your head around that concept, doesn't all religion make a little more sense? Like Star Trek's V'Ger, we just want to meet our creator.

It's going to be a mess for awhile, with civil & social unrest. We'll experience fear, panic, and violence in certain places - and I'll finally get to cook my Patriot Pantry purchase. But humanity will get through it because, ultimately, we already know it's true. And once the smoke clears - and history is reevaluated - we'll accept that ET influence has been a part of our lives from the very, very beginning. Our view will go from "global" to "galactic"... and petty terrestrial fighting will simply become impractical. If Putin wants Crimea and China wants Taiwan, big deal. Look up at the stars. There's plenty of real estate to go around.
Now, as for Earth's ambassador to ETs, may I make a suggestion?
I mean, she's funny, she can handle a crowd, and she already looks like a grey...