It's hard to discuss specific election issues in a monthly blog because topics change quickly, often several times in a daily news cycle. What I can say is that this has been a horrible month to be a Trump-supporter, not with the candidate himself, but with the assault he's/we've taken in the media. With the exception of FoxNews and conservative talk radio, every single news channel, paper, and news magazine has launched an all-out WAR against him, 24/7. They've dropped all premise of being objective, manufacturing news rather than reporting it . Granted, Trump's given the media some cringe-worthy sound bites, and I do agree with calling him to task with issues like his tax returns - and love of Pussy Riot's music. But it's still blatant censorship for CNN and the rest of the gang to flat-out refuse to report far worse news about Clinton, especially when daily Wikileaks dumps reveal corruption on a scale of the Kim regime. No wonder Obama pressured Ecuador into cutting off Julian Assange's internet. I hope Matt Drudge has Wikileaks' same contingency plan.

... And as a gay man living in the burbs, I happen to like traditional. I like my traditional house, traditional job in a bookstore, and I respect those with traditional values - values that for better or worse have built our modern country. But just because I "respect" traditional values doesn't mean I embrace every last one of them. For example, I still think my Catholic neighborhood is trying too hard to be a Norman Rockwell painting. I also think that despite the fact that Hispanic culture eats every part of the horse, the meat department in Cermak - our local Hispanic grocery store - looks like the set of a Saw movie. And I really think that the gays in C.A.G.H.B.C (see above) are hypocrites for not respecting my (or other's) support for Donald Trump ... especially when homosexuals have fought for decades to get the same respect as straight people. It doesn't make sense. We're all so much smarter than that. And after embracing Obama's flaccidity for the past eight years, it's time to embrace a more traditional administration ... and a President who likes to do traditional things like pay off debt, stimulate job growth, keep illegals from voting in our elections, and tell fringe special interest groups that they can't all have their own bathrooms.
At least the end is finally near.