Full Disclosure: this isn't the first time this has happened. Other examples include, POLTERGEIST: THE MUSICAL, featuring a puppetized closet vagina-monster singing - in the spirit of the plant from Little Shop of Horrors - Phil Collins', "Dance Into the Light." HALLOWEEN: THE MUSICAL includes an aging Jamie Lee Curtis singing - in the spirit of Glen Close in Sunset Boulevard - Norma Desmond's, "New Ways to Scream." And who can forget Bill & Hillary's intertwining duet, with Bill crooning "Forever In Blue Jeans" intermixed with Hillary's, "Don't Cry For Me, Arkansas?" The production's name is, of course, LIVING HISTORY: THE MUSICAL.

That being said, on those nights when I fall asleep quickly (and without worry), the end result is that my imagination gets to play - in ideas, rather than dreams. That's the one and only time when anxiety/depression is genuinely FUN: I go to sleep hearing nothing but the breeze, but I wake up with Leslie Neilson in my skull...as the Captain of the Titanic, singing the theme to The Love Boat. Or in the case of this morning, Robert Pattinson singing a silly sixties song. I should also mention that both scenarios included about 40 backup dancers.

I suspect that when it comes to considering new ideas, most "normal" people are restricted (to various degrees) by their cultures, belief systems, and desire to fit in with everyone around them. We chuckle at the past, when folks thought that the sun revolved around the Earth, but we also forget how scientists of the time were executed by the church for ideas that didn't fit society's norm. We think that such ignorance is behind us now, but in the Arab/Muslim world, wars are still fought to defend outdated ideas of Islamic law. We might not be so violent in the US, but consider how polarized we've become between something as simple as political beliefs. I'm not a violent person, but when Nancy Pelosi talks down to Republicans, I've often fantasized about that scene from Mars Attacks, where Congress is reduced to smoldering red skeletons...and the only thing left of our shrill minority leader is a steaming puddle of Botox. And yes, that scene includes back-up dancers as well.

Especially when one wakes up with Edward (along with 40 backup dancers) singing Blue Oyster Cult's, "I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for YOU."