Mice in fall are one of the joys of owning an old house, so I learned to keep traps on hand. They typically come inside when the weather turns cold, and I've found it best to keep food sealed in Tupperware, stored on high shelves or in cabinets this time of year. But just because mice are expected doesn't mean that they're are welcome, and rodents in the fall - like houseflies in the summer - are disgusting little critters that poop in places they shouldn't. And feces outweighs cuteness, no matter how you look at it.

The next morning however, I'd found that the mouse had eaten the cheese without setting the traps. And again, the next morning, even when I'd tied the cheese to the traps. It was time to bring out the big guns -
It was time for the GLUE TRAPS.
So, I bought the rat-sized traps. And I also picked up some frozen chicken strips for dinner. Chiuckling…the sassy black cashier gave me a "look" when I set them both down on the counter. "Err…I don't have rats," I assured her. "I…I…I just have a mouse in my kitchen." "Mmm-hmm," she said (clearly disbelieving), before putting my chicken in the same bag as my rat traps.
I left the store in shame.

BTW, I found THIS in the rat trap box:
It's nice to know that the poison is sealed for FRESHNESS.
The one side note I will share with you is a little gruesome: The mouse was still alive in the trap (of course), so before I tossed it in the trash (in an effort to be "somewhat" humane), I folded the glue tray in half with the mouse inside, and squished everything into a mouse n' glue taco.
It sounded crunchy.