The birds, the dark, and the cool morning air added to the surreal experience - and ensured that I would not be going back to sleep before my 5am alarm. There was just enough light for me to see the bedroom. My bed was a restless mess, balls of blankets, sheets, and wads of snotty Kleenex from the tail-end of a cold. I felt…old. Especially as my T-shirt had worked its way up my chest during the night, and once I stood up, I had to pull it back down over my belly. My cat watched me from the corner, unsure if I was up to piss or up to feed her. As luck would have it, I was up for both.

On a completely unrelated note, my roommate caught me masturbating yesterday. Yeah, I know, I should have opened with that line, but as the first few paragraphs of these blogs tend to get posted on social sites, I figured I'd better leave it for the end.
Annnnnnnnd, there goes my alarm.