"He's not a celebrity. He's a story," the prosecutor told the court. "It's one of accusation and manipulation and failure."
I recently watched Behind the Candelabra again, which got me to wondering what's happened to Scott Thorson since the movie came out. I Googled his name and learned of his recent conviction: 8 to 20 years for blowing off probation by repeatedly failing drug tests (and disregarding court-mandated rehab). Thorson groveled for mercy, but the judge didn't budge: "I'm not impressed - I don't think anybody is - with this so-called celebrity status. You're just like any other addict who has committed a crime against a victim."
Again, ouch.

I will say though that when it comes to sexual deviants, I prefer mine to wear leather, rather than hot pink feathers & rhinestones.