First off, the recliner was black - perfect for where I wanted to put it. Second, the chair itself seemed in good condition: no dust, no egg sacs, no food caught in the cushions. Most importantly, the recliner was in front of an elderly couple's home - a house with a yard as manicured as my own. I often see the couple sitting in their backyard in the afternoons/evenings, so I knew the chair came from a good family, which was why I decided to take it before the garbage man did.
After dragging the recliner down the street, into my house and then down to the basement, I navigated it into my playroom, where I keep my leather gear. I temporarily placed it in the center of the room so I could examine it under the track lights; I saw that it had a few dings & bruises, but really not enough to throw it away. I wondered why it got tossed. I figured the old couple had just gotten tired of it. Whatever the case, I was happy to have it...and it was time to give the recliner a try.
"They probably redecorated," I thought, sitting down and pulling the lever to put my feet up. "They probably realized that they were a little old for black leather and" -
Before I finished my thought, the recliner toppled backwards when fully extended. It threw me me to the floor - and nearly into the wall - and as I rolled off to the side - as soon as my weight was removed from the cushions - the chair recoiled to a semi-upright position. shuddering slightly, like a spent Jack-In-The-Box.
I stood up and smiled.
Apparently, I now own SWEENY TODD's barber chair...