it's a story from the goddamn Darwin Awards."

But once I read of Gandee's death, not only did I spit out my coffee, I couldn't help but think of the Darwin Awards books: stupid people die in stupid ways, removing themselves from the gene pool. I mean, muddin' after last call...and then accidentally axfixiating three people including yourself. How is that not complete and total stupidity...and how is that not funny?

Speaking of Sedaris, I was reminded of him yesterday when I read a story involving Justin Beiber and the late Anne Frank. I don't have the quote handy, but after signing the guest book at Anne Frank's house, Beiber said something like, "If she were alive today, I think Anne Frank would be a Beiber girl." ( Sedaris once wrote an essay about buying/redecorating the Anne Frank house). Though not a Darwin Awards moment, I still smiled at how the singers casual remark became bigger news than North Korea. I didn't spit out my coffee this time, but I have high hopes that Beiber himself will go muddin' three in the morning after last call, with Kim Jung Yuck in the passenger seat.
If Anne Frank were alive, she'd totally LOL.