But I was wrong.
So very, very wrong...
Had Pringles stopped with just the "white chocolate," I think the product might have been palatable (sweet & salty, like popcorn & M&Ms). But the chemists added peppermint - and I say "chemists" on purpose because the peppermint flavor was as artificial as saccharine - and the peppermint-essence made the chip taste like a mouthful of bug spray.
Biting into a White Chocolate Peppermint Pringle was like biting your nails while wearing that polish that's meant to stop you from biting your nails. The chip was bitter & metallic-tasting...and as I passed the can around to those at work, watching people's reactions the moment their taste buds registered its flavor, it was like watching someone view TWO GIRLS AND A CUP for the very first time.

Like "Crush" soda learned the hard way, it's best not to stray too far from your core team of flavors: orange, strawberry, grape, and in Gatorade's case, lemon-lime. As the years/decades go by, I totally understand the importance of keeping a brand "current" - and that fresh packaging only goes so far. It makes perfect sense for an established product to want to expand its flavor line, and if you're a fruit-drink, once you've exhausted your "core team" possibilities, it's only natural that you explore other fruit flavors…like kiwi, melon, berry, and even pomegranate.
But vegetables cross the line in a sports drink…and their presence is just wrong.
Cucumbers have no business in drinks at all - except to garnish a Bloody Mary.
Again, like White Chocolate Peppermint Pringles, when I saw the display of Lime/Cucumber Gatorade, I was taken by its merchandising. Its packaging was fresh, and its color looked refreshing. And of course the flavor had "lime" in its description, which reminded me of original Gatorade - a beverage I've enjoyed for 30+ years. So, I gave it a try. I figured, "How bad could it be?" I bought a couple bottles, threw them in the fridge when I got home…and later - much later - when I was genuinely thirsty, I opened the lid and drank directly from the bottle -
- and as I ran to the sink, I couldn't spit it out fast enough.